Independent Publisher Book Awards

Jenkins Group


1129 Woodmere, Suite B
Traverse City, MI US


Conducted annually, the Independent Publisher Book Awards honor the year’s best independently published titles from around the world. The awards are intended to bring increased recognition to the thousands of exemplary independent, university, and self-published titles published each year. <p>The "IPPY" Awards were conceived as a broad-based, unaffiliated awards program open to all members of the independent publishing industry, and are open to authors and publishers worldwide who produce books written in English and intended for the North American market.

Submission Info

Prize Info

  • First Prize: Gold Medal & Certificate

  • Second Prize: Silver Medal & Certificate

  • Third Prize: Bronze Medal & Certificate

  • Additional Information: Each announced medal-winning book will receive a packet containing gold, silver or bronze medal, a personalized certificate, and 20 foil seals.

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