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  • Portico Sadie Massey Awards for Young Readers and Writers

Portico Sadie Massey Awards for Young Readers and Writers


57 Mosley Street
Manchester, England UK

Competition 1: Write a short story set in the North of England
Write a story set in the North of England: based in your home, community, or somewhere further afield. Where is meaningful to you?

Competition 2: Book Review
Choose any type of book you want, one you are reading for pleasure or one you are studying - it’s up to you! For example: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or a graphic novel. Make sure the entire book is read and reviewed as a whole.

Open to 7 - 18 year olds, entry can be for one or both competitions.

Submission Info

Prize Info

  • First Prize: Prizes in each age range, include Portico tote bag, notebooks, book bundles, Adopt-A-Book from the Portico 19th century collection for restoration, writing mentorships. certificate

  • Second Prize: Portico notebook, Portico tote bag, book bundles, certificates

  • Additional Information: All entrants receive a Portico notebook and book mark. All schools that enter receive a book as a teaching resource.

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