Book Awards & Writing Competitions - Ireland

Literary contests from Ireland

Anthology Short Story Award

Established to recognise and encourage creative writing and provide a platform for publication, this short story award is open to original and previously unpublished short stories in the English language by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world. Stories submitted must be on the t...

    Limerick,   IE

Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards

The Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards are a set of industry-recognition awards set up by a coalition of Irish booksellers in 2007. The awards are owned by Irish Book Awards Ltd, a not-for-profit company presided over by a board comprising representatives from founding members Eason & Son Ltd, A...

    ,   IE

Cuirt New Writing Prize

There are three categories: poetry, short fiction, and short fiction and poetry in Irish. Poetry entries must consist of 3 poems under 50 lines each. Fiction pieces may be up to 2000 words. Entries in both English and Irish are welcome. Young Cuirt is for ages 12-17. Entries are welcome in poet...

    Galway City,   IE

Kerry County Council Creative Writing for Youth Competitions

Submissions may be in the form of poems, short stories or essays. One entry only per youth. Word Count Limits: Age 9-11: Short Story Maximum 500 words; Poem Maximum 70 lines Age 11-13 : Short StoryMaximum 500 words; Poem Maximum 70 lines Age 13-15: Short Story Maximum 1000 words; Po...

    Kerry,   IE

Moth International Short Story Prize

The Prize is open to everyone, as long as the work is original and previously unpublished. There is a 6,000 word limit. ...

    Cavan, Co. Cavan   IE

Red Line Book Festival Poetry Competition

The competition is open to anyone living on the island of Ireland. Poems must be the original work of the entrant and must not have been published either in print or on a website, not be currently submitted or accepted for future publication. They must not previously have been awarded a prize in a...

    Dublin,   IE

Waterford Poetry Prize

The Waterford Poetry Prize is a competition open to all writers currently living on the island of Ireland. There is no age limit and no entry fee...

    Waterford, Munster   IE