The Northeastern Minnesota Book Awards (NEMBA) was established in 1988 to recognize books that substantially represent northeastern Minnesota in the areas of history, culture, heritage, or lifestyle. Starting with a single category in the early years, the awards have grown to include six categories, selecting a Winner and an Honorable Mention in each area.
Prizes are currently awarded in six categories:
Nonfiction: nonfiction works such as history, biography, guidebooks, cookbooks, books about science and nature, scholarly works, and art/photography books.
Fiction: novels, short stories, plays, and other works of narrative fiction.
Children’s Literature: picture books and beginning readers, generally for ages 0-7.
Middle Grade/Young Adult: chapter books and books for a teen audience, generally for ages 8-18.
Poetry: collections of poetry or a single poem of book length.
Memoir: books that examine some aspect of the world from a highly personal perspective.
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