Capital Crime Writers
The contest is open to Ottawa and the National Capital Region residents. The story must be unpublished and feature a crime. Maximum length 3,500 words. The judging process is blind, therefore do NOT include author’s name on the manuscript. The cover letter should include your name, address, story title and word count. Also, indicate if you would like a critique.
Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards
The Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards are a set of industry-recognition awards set up by a coalition of Irish booksellers in 2007. The awards are own...
The Crime Writers of Canada Awards of Excellence
The Awards are for CRIME WRITING and are not restricted to mystery writing. Crime-writing encompasses far more than the traditional whodunit. The crim...
Feathered Quill Book Awards
Feathered Quill Book Awards, a program run by Feathered Quill Book Reviews, a leader in online book review sites, awarding books with gold, silver, a...