Chanticleer Book Reviews
Categories are:
Private Eye (Noir)
Legal/Medical/Police Procedural
Awards are announced annually at the Chanticleer Authors Conference
with prizes ranging from $250-1000 in addition to marketing and media
Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards
The Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards are a set of industry-recognition awards set up by a coalition of Irish booksellers in 2007. The awards are own...
The Crime Writers of Canada Awards of Excellence
The Awards are for CRIME WRITING and are not restricted to mystery writing. Crime-writing encompasses far more than the traditional whodunit. The crim...
Feathered Quill Book Awards
Feathered Quill Book Awards, a program run by Feathered Quill Book Reviews, a leader in online book review sites, awarding books with gold, silver, a...