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San Miguel Writers’ Conference

Web: http://sanmiguelwritersconference.org/

As the largest and most prestigious co-cultural, bi-lingual literary gathering in the Americas, the San Miguel Writers’ Conference & Literary Festival (SMWC) attracts prominent authors, established and emerging writers, industry experts, teaching professionals, and avid readers primarily from the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

The popularity and reputation of the Writers’ Conference has grown exponentially since its humble beginnings in 2006, when a small team of volunteers produced a weekend event with 29 attendees. It has evolved into a spectacular five+ day gathering of thousands of thoughtful individuals who create an international co-cultural community on the lush grounds of the historic Hotel Real de Minas.


Hotel Real de Minas
San Miguel de Allende, GTO


    The festival takes place from
    February 12 to February 16, 2025

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