Honno Welsh Women's Press

Honno is an independent co-operative press run by women and committed to bringing you the best in Welsh women's writing.

It was established in 1986 by a determined group of volunteers who wanted to increase the opportunities for Welsh women in publishing and bring Welsh women's literature to a wider public. They asked the people of Wales to show their support for the new enterprise by becoming shareholders in the cooperative and in the first six months more than 400 people bought shares. Honno continues to be supported by hundreds of individual shareholders who believe in its work.

True to its roots the press still only publishes work by women of Wales. Most of Honno's titles are novels, autobiographies and short story anthologies in English as well as Classics in both Welsh and English. We have in the past also published poetry, children's and teenage titles and books in both Welsh and English.


Unit 14, Creative Units
Aberystwyth Arts Centre Aberystwyth

Ceredigion , Wales

Phone: 01970 623150


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Note: Don't assume that because a publisher is listed in a genre, that your book is a good fit for their publishing program. Take the time to research the books each publisher has released to find the best matches.

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