Father's Press is a rapidly-growing, full-service publishing company dedicated to publishing well written works by dynamic, energetic new authors who are frustrated with the endless barriers that have historically locked talented authors out of the writing profession.
Publishes: Fiction (contemporary or historical) as long as the work does not espouse beliefs that are contrary to conservative Christian values. It is okay to mention other beliefs and values as part of the human experience, but the author should not use his/her work as a platform to promote them.
Non Fiction: Historical, reference, children's books, biblical studies, theology, ethics, literature, religious history, regional history, cookbooks, and self-help and Christian counseling.
No fantasy, poetry, science fiction, non-Christian spirituality, psychology, textbooks or manuals.
Note: Don't assume that because a publisher is listed in a genre, that your book is a good fit for their publishing program. Take the time to research the books each publisher has released to find the best matches.
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