Book Publishers in Minnesota

Annotated list of book publishers in Minnesota.


ABDO, a family-owned company, has been publishing educational materials for more than 30 years, including library bound hardcover editions and a variety of digital products. The company is comprised of five divisions: Abdo Publishing, Magic Wagon, Spotlight, Abdo Kids, and Abdo Digital....

    Edina, MN   US

Afton Press

Afton Press is a not-for-profit publisher of exceptional books that explore and celebrate the history, culture, and achievements of our chosen state of Minnesota—books that reach high standards of scholarship, literary value, design, and production; books that help to strengthen and build com...

    Edina, MN   US

Astragal Press

Astragal Press offers affordable books on antique tools and antique tool collecting, early trades such as blacksmithing and carriage building, and early sciences and technology including rail technology and slide rule....

    Apple Valley, MN   US

Augsburg Fortress Publishers

Augsburg Fortress is the publishing imprint 0f 1517 Media, which creates books and multimedia resources as a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Funded through sales revenue, Augsburg Fortress is called to provide products and services that communicate the Gospel, enhance faith, ...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Beaming Books

Beaming Books publishes high-quality children’s books that help kids thrive in every part of who they are–emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Beaming Books is an imprint of 1517 Media. 1517 Media creates multimedia resources and distinctive books for Christian communities, higher-education ...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Bethany House

A division of Baker Publishing Group, Bethany House has been publishing high quality books for 50 years. Recognized as the pioneer and leader in Christian fiction, Bethany House publishes nearly 120 titles annually in subjects including historical and contemporary fiction, Christian living, family, ...

    Bloomington, MN   US

Broadleaf Books

Rooted in the progressive Christian tradition and reflecting the diversity of human creativity, we publish books that engage readers in fresh, substantive, timely, and inspiring reflection on what it is to live with meaning and connection. We are committed to publishing authors who bring though...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Capstone Press

Capstone is a leading publisher of children's books and digital products and services, offering everything from nonfiction, fiction, and picture books to interactive books, audio books, and literacy programs. Imprints and divisions include Capstone Press, Compass Point Books, Heinemann-Raintree, Pic...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Cardiotext Publishing

Publishes books on cardiovascular medicine for cardiologists, internists, and others by world-recognized authorities in the field of cardiovascular medicine....

    Minneapolis, MN   US


Founded in 1993 CarTech, Inc has become one of the leading publishers of how-to automotive titles for the hardcore enthusiast. Today, our publishing efforts include our traditional performance “S-A Design” titles along with race histories, biographies of industry icons; in addition to a ...

    Forest Lake, MN   US

Cloquet River Press

A small publisher offering biography, local history and fiction titles....

    Duluth, MN   US

Coffee House Press

Coffee House Press is an award-winning, nonprofit literary publisher in Minneapolis. We produce books that present the dreams and ambitions of people who have been underrepresented in published literature, books that shape our national consciousness while strengthening a larger sense of community. ...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Cruciform Press

We like to keep it simple. So we publish short, clear, useful, inexpensive books for Christians and other curious people. Books that make sense and are easy to read, even as they tackle serious subjects....

    Minneapolis, MN   US


Publisher of scholarly, academic, biographies, more. Imprint of Lisa Loucks Christenson Publishing, LLC...

    Rochester, MN   US

Dancing Hands Music

Instructional books and dvds for djembe, bongo and conga hand drums....

    Minnetonka, MN   US

Dovetailed Press

Dovetailed Press is a small regional press publishing books about the history and culture of the Upper Midwest. ...

    Duluth, MN   US


For nearly 60 years, EMC Publishing has been developing and producing innovative and award-winning K-12 learning solutions that seamlessly connects learners and teachers in World Languages, Language Arts, and Applied Learning. ...

    Saint Paul, MN   US

Entree Press, LLC

Our mission at Entrée Press is to assist you in finding your own cooking style by encouraging experimentation and improvisation. The cookbooks provide the information that will guide you on your journey, and we know that along the way you will have more fun in the kitchen, will become a better co...

    Rochester, MN   US

Filbert Publishing

We really like to publish books that creative people can use to help them make a living following their dream. This includes books on marketing, books that encourage living a full life, freelancing, inspirational, we'll consider a fairly wide range of subjects under this umbrella....

    Kandiyohi, MN   US

Focus Publishing

Focus Publishing was formed in 1992 on the foundation that Christian effectiveness is based on faithfulness. Publishers of Christian books on marriage and relationships, Christian living, Bible Studies, youth mysteries, and other resources....

    Bemidji, MN   US

Fortress Press

For over 50 years, Fortress Press has been a pioneer in religious scholarship. Our commitment to publishing timely, relevant, and transformative books in biblical studies, theology, and Christian history has led to a global reputation. Fortress Press publishes in three main areas; education, academi...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Free Spirit Publishing

Free Spirit Publishing is known for its unique understanding of what kids want (and need) to navigate life successfully. Our reputation as the leading publisher of Self-Help for Kids and Self-Help for Teens is grounded in books and other learning materials that are practical, positive, pro-kid, and ...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Graywolf Press

A small literary press publishing poetry, literary fiction, memoirs, gay and lesbian literature, short stories, essays and literary criticism....

    Minneapolis, MN   US

History Through Fiction

History Through Fiction publishes historical novels that utilize elements of fiction and nonfiction in order to tell compelling and educational stories. We are looking for stories about real people and real events. Though fictionalized, our books include nonfiction elements such as footnotes, endnot...

    Roseville, MN   US

Holy Cow Press

Holy Cow! Press was founded in 1977 by editor/publisher Jim Perlman in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our first publication was a chapbook of poems by Thomas McGrath to his son entitled LETTERS TO TOMASITO. In the ensuing 25 years, we have published over 70 titles and have moved the press operations to Iow...

    Duluth, MN   US

Howling Bird Press

Howling Bird Press is the literary press of Augsburg College's Low-residency Creative Writing Program. Staffed and run by students enrolled in a yearlong course, the press produces one book a year in either poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction. ...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

JIST Publishing

JIST Publishing is renowned as America's Career Publisher. For more than 30 years, JIST products have helped millions of people plan their education and career, find jobs and succeed in the world of work. The brand's award-winning materials cover the essential topics people need guidance on to ...

    St Paul, MN   US

Jolly Fish Press

Jolly Fish Press, an imprint of North Star Editions, Inc., which is based in Minnesota. We publish trade fiction and select nonfiction books in the national and international market....

    Minnesota, MN   US

Lerner Publishing Group

An educational children's book and electronic content publisher offering nonfiction and fiction books and digital content for grades K-12....

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Light & Life Publishing

Light and Life is one of the largest Orthodox publishers and distributors in the world....

    Edina, MN   US

Liturgical Press

Liturgical Press began publishing for the Church in 1926. Since then, 89 gratifying years have passed, and our dedicated staff continues to sustain our original mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are truly committed to providing religious and spiritual resources of the highest ...

    Collegeville, MN   US

Living Justice Press

Living Justice Press (LJP) publishes books about social justice and community healing. We focus specifically on restorative justice and peacemaking....

    Saint Paul, MN   US

Llewellyn Worldwide

As the world's oldest and largest independent publisher of books for body, mind, and spirit, Llewellyn is dedicated to bringing our readers the very best in metaphysical books and resources. Since 1901, we've been at the forefront of holistic and metaphysical publishing and thought. We've been a sou...

    Woodbury, MN   US

Lutheran University Press

Lutheran University Press is a privately-owned, independent publisher. The imprint was established in 2000 in response to requests by individuals and Lutheran educational institutions for assistance in publishing their manuscripts. ...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Meadowbrook Press

Since 1975, Meadowbrook has grown to become one of the leading publishers of books sold nationally through bookstores and other retail outlets. Located in Minnetonka, Minnesota, Meadowbrook Press takes great pride in the ability to edit, design, and promote books so they achieve their full commercia...

    Minnetonka, MN   US

Melange Books

Melange is a royalty-paying company publishing in e-books (digital formats) and print books (Print on Demand NOT mass-market print runs.) We pay authors 40% net royalties on digital formats and 10% on print. We are actively seeking submissions for the genres listed below. Romance, sweet, sensual a...

    White Bear Lake, MN   US

Mighty Media Press

Mighty Media Press publishes extraordinary content for kids. Period. Formerly known as Scarletta Press, the company changed its name and its focus from adult fiction to children's titles in January 2015 ...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Milkweed Editions

An award-winning, nonprofit literary publisher of high-quality books that places an emphasis on cultural diversity, environmental stewardship, exceptionally crafted poetry, and insightful literature for adults and children in the middle grades ...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Minnesota Historical Society Press

Minnesota Historical Society Press publishes books on the history, art, and culture of the Upper Midwest. Founded in 1859, it is the oldest publisher in the state and the largest historical society press in the country. We seek to publish books for a broad audience of general readers and specialists...

    St Paul, MN   US

Papillon Publishing

Papillon Publishing has been publishing the Texas Attorney's/ Paralegal's/ Secretary's Handbook for over 20 years. The handbooks are directories of federal, state and city governments and other related information designed specifically for legal professionals....

    Rochester, MN   US

Paragon House

Paragon House publishes reference and scholarly titles, in the areas of Biography, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Spiritual Health, Reference, Political Science, Economics, and International Relations....

    Saint Paul, MN   US

Redleaf Press

Established in 1973, Redleaf Press is a leading nonprofit publisher of exceptional curriculum, management, and business resources for early childhood professionals. Our educational and instructional publications improve the lives of children by strengthening and supporting the teachers, trainers, an...

    Saint Paul, MN   US

Saint Mary's Press

Saint Mary's Press is a nonprofit, Lasallian Catholic publisher administered by the Christian Brothers of the Midwest District. Saint Mary's Press is a contemporary expression of the Catholic Church's mission to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Lasallian mission to provide a human...

    Winona, MN   US

Search Institute Press

Drawing on over 50 years of research, Search Institute's hopeful solutions help children and adolescents become caring, healthy, and responsible adults....

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Shipwreckt Books

Shipwreckt Books is a small independent publisher of high quality fiction, poetry, memoirs, essays, and the ecclectic small magazine Lost Lake Folk Opera....

    Rushford, MN   US

Sic Semper Serpent

Sic Semper Serpent is an independent publishing force dedicated to restoring dime-store literature with new books printed in old pulp formats. ...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Smith House Press

Smith House Press, of St. Paul, Minnesota, has been publishing quality books on health and healing since it was launched by Sybil Smith in 1994. ...

    Saint Paul, MN   US

Spout Press

Spout Press is small, all-volunteer, non-profit literary publisher that publishes and promotes the finest in contemporary experimental writing — mentoring young writers and bringing new and/or under-appreciated voices to the attention of a larger audience. ...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

There And Back Books

Based in Duluth, Minnesota, There and Back Books are publishers of great guidebooks featuring beautiful, wild places....

    Duluth, MN   US

Tristan Publishing

Based in Golden Valley, Minn., TRISTAN Publishing is a specialty book publisher with key titles such as "The Next Place," "PEEF the Christmas Bear" and "A Cup of Christmas Tea." Owned by Brett and Sheila Waldman, the privately held company publishes books with a message...

    Minneapolis, MN   US

University of Minnesota Press

Founded in 1925, University of Minnesota Press is the publisher of groundbreaking work in social & cultural theory, race & ethnic studies, urbanism, feminist criticism, and media studies. The Press also publishes a diverse list of regional works....

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Weirdpunk Books

Weirdpunk Books is a Minneapolis-based publisher of Weird Horror that was founded in 2015. We love genres like body horror, cosmic horror, folk horror, weird lit, splatterpunk, and transgressive fiction. ...

    Minneapolis, MN   US