Drama Book Publishers

Annotated listing of publishers of stageplays and other dramatic works.

Anchorage Press Plays

Anchorage Press Plays internet catalogue features play scripts for performance before young audiences (TYA), children's theatre and family theatre, middle school and high school, plus anthologies of plays and books about make-up design, creative education and theatre text books for college. We have one act & contest length plays for UIL and play festivals.

    Woodstock, IL   US

Anvil Press

Anvil Press is a literary publisher interested in contemporary, progressive literature in all genres.

    Vancouver, BC   CA

Aurora Metro

Publisher of fiction, including literary, historical, crime, mystery, romance and young adult novels under the Aurora Metro Books imprint; and nonfiction titles in the subjects of theatre, film, music, art and popular culture under the imprint Supernova Books.

    Richmond, England   UK

Autonomous Press

Autonomous Press publishes both fiction and nonfiction. Scholarly or journalistic works, novels, anthologies, memoirs, poetry, drama - we'll consider any genre, and we love innovative hybrid works that defy traditional genre categories. We're especially interested in publishing authors whose voices are generally marginalized by the mainstream. Authors who are neurodivergent, queer, transgender, mad, disabled, racialised, presently or formerly homeless or incarcerated. Authors doing work so radical, in some way or another, that conventional academic or literary publishers are scared to touch it. We want to amplify the sort of voices that are too often silenced in the dominant culture.

    Fort Worth, TX   US

BkMk Press

During its first four years, BkMk Press published only chapbooks. In 1975, BkMk Press published its first full-length poetry collection, Kansas City Outloud, an anthology of Kansas City-area writers with an introduction by John Ciardi. Since then, the press has concentrated on full-length collections of poetry, short fiction, and creative essays. Today, the press publishes four to six titles a year and has over 80 titles in print. The press has published writers from all over the United States and abroad, but it has also published many writers from Kansas City and the Midwest.

    Kansas City, MO   US

Book*hug Press

Celebrating adventures in literary publishing since 2004, Book*hug Press is a radically optimistic Canadian independent literary press working at the forefront of contemporary book culture. Our mandate is to publish innovative and contemporary books of literary fiction, literary nonfiction, literature in translation, and poetry by emerging and established writers.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Breakwater Books

Breakwater Books Ltd. was founded in 1973. Initially, its sole purpose was to publish materials that preserved the unique culture of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Maritime provinces. In recent years, Breakwater has successfully begun publishing cutting edge literature in all genres, including children's books, literary and commercial fiction, educational curricula, non-fiction, and poetry, while at the same time continuing to support its culturally significant backlist titles.

    St. John’s, NL   CA

Broadway Play Publishing Inc

B P P I specializes in publishing full-length, contemporary, American plays.

    New York, NY   US

Brooklyn Publishers

School play scripts including comedy, one act plays, ten minute plays, youth theatre and more. Large selection for high schools.

    Cedar Rapids, IA   US

Brucedale Press

Since 1994, The Brucedale Press has published words from here - the Queen's Bush and Bruce Peninsula in Ontario, Canada - that offer good reading anywhere. The Brucedale Press is a division of BROAD HORIZONS BOOKS Bruce County's most experienced bookseller, with headquarters in Port Elgin, Ontario. Our fine books present the area as seen by talented writers, artists, and photographers.

    Port Elgin, ON   CA

Burning Shore Press

Established in 2005, Burning Shore Press is a publisher of serious "underground" literature and is based in Long Beach, California.

    Long Beach, CA   US

City Limits Publishing

City Limits Publishing, LLC is a Tennessee-based full service traditional book publisher. We do not charge authors for our publishing services and we handle everything from editing and proofing, to design and marketing with zero cost to our authors, ever. We are dedicated to building our authors up and distributing their work.

    Nashville, TN   US

Coach House Books

Coach House Books is an independent Canadian publisher of poetry, fiction, drama & nonfiction.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Compassiviste Publishing

Compassiviste Publishing welcomes unsolicited full-length manuscripts from writers at any stage of their career. Our work includes fiction and non-fiction books across a wide range of genres, covering important social, cultural and environmental topics aligned with Compassiviste Foundation’s charitable causes. We invest 100% of our net profits back into the charity.

    London, England   UK

Coteau Books

Founded in 1975 in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, and currently operating out of offices in Regina, Coteau Books' mission is to publish and present to the world markets new voices and works of literary excellence from the Canadian literary community, with an emphasis on Saskatchewan and prairie writers.

    Regina, SK   CA

Deep Vellum

Deep Vellum is a nonprofit publishing house and literary arts organization with the mission to bring the world into conversation through literature.

    Dallas, TX   US

Dundurn Press

Since 1972, Dundurn Press and its associated imprints have published more than 2000 titles, of which 1700 are still in print. Dundurn publishes about ninety to one hundred new titles per year and is now one of the largest publishers of adult and young adult fiction and non-fiction in Canada.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Eldridge Publishing

Publishes plays and musicals suitable for performance by community theatres and junior and senior high schools. We welcome shows on all subjects; however, shows with explicit adult content or graphically defined situations do not fit our market. For musicals, please include an audio sample of several songs and a few pages from the score.

    Tallahassee, FL   US


While EpiphanyMill is a traditional publisher in every sense of the word. They will never charge for such important details as: editing, cover art, or marketing. They frequently hear the question, “why publish with you, as opposed to self-publishing?” The answer is simple. While they would never discourage an author from tackling their dreams, most self-published authors devote 60% or more of their free time to marketing. The good folks at EpiphanyMill firmly believe that an author should be able to commit their full focus towards their passion – writing.

    Star Valley, AZ   US

Faber & Faber

Founded in 1929 by Geoffrey Faber, Faber and Faber remains one of the UK's leading independent publishing houses. Faber publishes fiction, non-fiction, and children's books alongside its garlanded lists of poetry, drama, music and film.

    London, England   UK

Finishing Line Press

Finishing Line Press is an award-winning small press publisher based in Georgetown, Kentucky.

    Georgetown, KY   US

Focus Publishing

We are a innovative & affordable textbook publisher, French, Greek, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Theater, Kittredege Shakespeare, Philosophy.
In November 2014 the lists of Focus Publishing/R. Pullins Company were acquired by Hackett Publishing Company, a small independent publisher with offices in Indianapolis and Cambridge, Massachusetts.

    Newburyport, MA   US

Gomer Press

Gomer Press is a printing and publishing company based in Llandysul, west Wales. The company was first established in 1892 and is owned by the same family to this day. Jonathan Lewis, the great grandson of the company's founder, is the current managing director. Gomer Press today is both a thriving printing company and the largest publishing house in Wales. Every year, we publish over 120 titles, specializing in books which have a distinctive Welsh identity.

    Ceredigion, Wales   UK

Green Integer

Essays, Manifestos, Statements, Speeches, Maxims, Epistles, Diaristic Jottings, Narratives, Natural histories, Poems, Plays, Performances, Ramblings, Revelations, and all such ephemera as may appear necessary to bring society into a slight tremolo of confusion and fright at least.

    Los Angeles, CA   US

Heuer Publishing

Heuer Publishing was established in 1928 and today is one of the oldest publishing houses serving the educational and community theatre markets. Heuer is a pioneer in commissioning and publishing unique works from a broad range of playwrights, which are entertaining and yet thought provoking, family appropriate and yet edgy, and which provide a standardized formula for technical production with flexibility for directors desiring a greater challenge.

    Cedar Rapids, IA   US

Holy Cow Press

Holy Cow! Press was founded in 1977 by editor/publisher Jim Perlman in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our first publication was a chapbook of poems by Thomas McGrath to his son entitled LETTERS TO TOMASITO. In the ensuing 25 years, we have published over 70 titles and have moved the press operations to Iowa and Wisconsin, before returning to Minnesota (Duluth) in 1988. Our primary goal has been to publish the very best collections of Midwest writings we can find and develop an audience for those books regionally and nationally. We have published books of poetry, short fiction, memoirs, novels, plays, children's and young adult titles, biographies and anthologies centered around important themes.

    Duluth, MN   US

Huia Publishers

HUIA is an award-winning independent New Zealand book publisher producing wonderful and provocative books with a uniquely New Zealand or Pacific perspective. Our books are internationally sought after by those interested in Maori history and Maori people, the indigenous people of New Zealand. Our books also give an insight into the lives of Pacific Islanders living in New Zealand and the Pacific, through stories written by Pacific Island authors. Our non-fiction is of interest to academics, students, policymakers and critical thinkers while our fiction appeals to anyone interested in reading a good book. Our gift books make excellent presents for those wanting an indigenous touch.

    Thorndon, Wellington   NZ

J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing

J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing is primarily a literary publisher, with several imprints including: Scirocco Drama (theatre), The Muses' Company (poetry), Watson & Dwyer Publishing (Canadian social history), and J. Gordon Shillingford (politics, sports, biography).

    Winnipeg, MB   CA

Lamar University Literary Press

Lamar Literary Press is one of the world’s smallest university presses. We operate with the latest in book production technology and distribution and publish original fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. We accept submissions each year during the months of April and November only. However, you may make general inquiries or check on the status of a submission at any time.

    Beaumont, TX   US

Miraclaire Publishing

Founded in 2007 Miraclaire Publishing has developed into a fast growing Publishing Company. It seeks to create, promote, distribute and preserve creative, scholarly, and educational books in print and digital formats.

    Kansas City, MO   US

New Directions Publishing

Fine independent publishing since 1936. New Directions now publishes about 30 books annually in hardcover and paperback.

    New York, NY   US

New Island Books

New Island Books is an independent Irish publisher of literary fiction, poetry, drama, biography, and books on politics and social affairs.

    Dublin,   IE

NeWest Press

Founded in 1977, NeWest Press is one of Canada's first independent literary publishing houses. NeWest publishes literary fiction, literary nonfiction, poetry, and drama, as well as a line of mystery novels, with a particular interest in books by Western Canadian authors. Its Nunatak imprint is the longest-running first-fiction series in Canada.

    Edmonton, AB   CA

Overlook Press

The Overlook Press is an independent general-interest publisher, founded in 1971. The publishing program consists of approximately 100 new books per year, roughly divided between hardcovers and trade paperbacks. The list is eclectic, with areas of strength in fiction, history, biography, drama, design, and other visual media.

    New York, NY   US

Peasantry Press

Peasantry Press is a small, independent, royalty-paying publisher. Here, we believe in the power of story, to captivate and free, to illuminate and inspire. We seek to publish unforgettable works by writers who use the beauty of the written word and the gift of imagination to tell unforgettable tales.

    Winnipeg, MB   CA

Pioneer Drama Service

Pioneer Drama Service is an Englewood, Colorado-based publisher of plays and musicals, founded by Shubert Fendrich in 1960. The company is one of the largest play publishers in the United States, with over 900 plays and musicals currently in print, and primarily focuses on family-friendly comedies for middle schools, high schools and community theaters.

    Englewood, CO   US

Playdead Press

Playdead Press is an independent UK publishing house that specializes in the publication of new and emerging writers.

    Portsmouth, England   UK

Playwrights Canada Press

Playwrights Canada Press is a publisher of new Canadian plays. We exist to publish Canadian plays as well as, from time to time, theatre history, criticism, and biography. Through this we endeavour to raise the profile of Canadian theatre and theatre practitioners, promote dramatic literature, and contribute to the Canadian theatrical canon. Playwrights Canada Press strives to publish diverse and engaging Canadian plays and dramatic criticism of literary merit.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Random House

Random House, Inc., the world's largest English language trade publisher, publishes books in nearly every category.

    New York, NY   US

Seagull Books

With offices in London and Calcutta, Seagull Books has dedicated itself to quality arts and culture publishing. From documentation of cultural history in the making, to building a climate of critique, its focus is firmly on the alternative and the experimental, and on the socially committed.

    Calcutta,   IN

Seven Stories Press

Founded in 1995 in New York City and named for the seven authors who committed to a home with a fiercely independent spirit, Seven Stories Press publishes works of the imagination and political titles by voices of conscience. While most widely known for its books on politics, human rights, and social and economic justice, Seven Stories continues to champion literature, with a list encompassing both innovative debut novels and National Book Award-winning poetry collections, as well as prose and poetry translations from the French, Spanish, German, Swedish, Italian, Greek, Polish, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, and Arabic.

    New York, NY   US

Signature Editions

Signature Editions is a literary press with an eclectic list of quality fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama. Originally named Nuage Editions, the press was formed in Montreal in 1986 as a 16-person publishing collective. The first desktop publisher in Quebec, we put out two to four books a year for the next five years. For the past sixteen years, the press has operated as a sole proprietorship run by Karen Haughian and has published six to nine titles a year. In 1997, after eleven years of operation in Montreal, the press moved to Winnipeg and in the year 2000 was renamed Signature Editions.

    Winnipeg, MB   CA

Squill Publishing

Alternative publisher of edgy literary fiction, poetry, and art. LGBTQI & Neurodivergent owned. We’re allies to the mental health, LGBTQ+, and disabled community.

    Junction City, OR   US

Stones Point Press

We are a small press Maine publisher and independent bookseller of quality books by Maine authors.

    Cushing, ME   US

Talon Books

Canadian publisher of poetry, fiction and drama, as well as non-fiction books in the fields of ethnography and environmental and social issues.

    Vancouver, BC   CA

The Feminist Press

The Feminist Press publishes books that ignite movements and social transformation. Celebrating our legacy, we lift up insurgent and marginalized voices from around the world to build a more just future.

    New York, NY   US

The Mad Duck Coalition

The Mad Duck Coalition publishing house is a haven for the intellectually curious. A flock of brave mad men and women, we are interested in unique ideas, excellent observations, and engaging prose. We place authorial integrity, intellectual rigor, and passionate pursuits above all else. This is the Mad Duck Coalition, where exceptional and pioneering people take flight. Big Ripple Books: Big Ripple Books is The Mad Duck Coalition’s first imprint. As such, it is the nesting place for quality prose narratives, fiction and non-fiction. Memoirs, experiments, and bona fide literature, you’ll find the best duckin’ stuff here. Bottoms Up Journal: In The Weeds Provocations is the first half of The Mad Duck Coalition’s academic imprints for leading academic vanguards, excuse us, avant-gardes: the heart and soul of intellectual Academia! Books and tomes—all transparently peer reviewed—fit to be the one stop shop for all your research needs! Flights of Fancy Publications: Flights of Fancy Publications is The Mad Duck Coalition’s speculative imprint. Cozy up to the fire and let these engaging, smart genre stories fly you someplace else. Mind you, they’re not necessarily pretty places to visit, but you will enjoy the flight. the flight.

    New York, NY   US

The Stygian Society

The Stygian Society is a Montréal publisher celebrating timeless literature, dark fiction, philosophy, and human creativity free from AI.

    Montreal, PQ   CA

Two Dollar Radio

Two Dollar Radio is a family-run outfit founded in 2005 with the mission to reaffirm the cultural and artistic spirit of the publishing industry. We aim to do this by presenting bold works of literary merit, each book, individually and collectively, providing a sonic progression that we believe to be too loud to ignore.

    Columbus, OH   US

University of Georgia Press

Since its founding in 1938, the primary mission of the University of Georgia Press has been to support and enhance the University's place as a major research institution by publishing outstanding works of scholarship and literature by scholars and writers throughout the world. The University of Georgia Press is the oldest and largest book publisher in the state. We currently publish 60-70 new books a year and have a long history of publishing significant scholarship, creative and literary works, and books about the state and the region for general readers.

    Athens, GA   US

UpLit Press

Books that make you glad to be part of the human race. UpLit Press is a new indie digital-first publisher of novels that inspire hope. Our stories may go to some dark places, but they will bring a light to guide you through.

    Northampton, England   UK

UrbanEdge Publishing

UrbanEdge Publishing is a small, traditional publisher based in Columbus, Atlantic in Georgia publishing titles in drama, crime/mystery, romance, and self-help.

    Columbus, GA   US


YouthPLAYS publishes challenging and entertaining plays and musicals for schools, youth theatres, universities, community theatres and professional theatres for young audiences, focusing on scripts with significant age-appropriate roles and topics of strong youth interest.. We welcome submissions of plays and musicals that are appropriate for teen and younger actors and/or audiences. While we accept unproduced scripts, we prefer works that have had the opportunity to be refined through the production process. We only represent material for which we can be the exclusive licensing agent.

    Los Angeles, CA   US