Poetry Book Publishers

Annotated listing of publishers of poetry books, anthologies and chapbooks.

2Leaf Press

2Leaf Press, an imprint of the Intercultural Alliance of Artists & Scholars, Inc. (IAAS), challenges the status quo by publishing alternative fiction, non‐fiction, poetry and bilingual works by activists, academics, poets and authors dedicated to diversity and social justice with scholarship that is accessible to the general public.

    New York, NY   US

3: A Taos Press

3: A Taos Press is an independent publisher committed to fostering and honoring the work of writers of all cultures. At this time, the editors are concentrating on the genre of poetry. Manuscript submissions are by invitation only.

    Denver, CO   US

39 West Press

39 West Press is an independent book publisher committed to releasing books that encourage critical thinking and promote constructive discourse on key social, cultural, political, and economic issues affecting life in America.

    Kansas City, MO   US

404 Ink

404 Ink is the award-winning alternative publisher of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, founded in 2016 by publishing freelancers Heather McDaid and Laura Jones with a view that publishing could be a little louder and a little more fun.

    Edinburgh, Scotland   UK

42 Miles Press

42 Miles Press publishes books and chapbooks of poetry, including the winner of the 42 Miles Press Poetry Prize. We’re in Indiana. We like images, we like language. We like it real and surreal and unreal.

    South Bend, IN   US

4RV Publishing

4RV Publishing works one on one with accepted authors to create quality work. The staff (including published authors and experienced editors, illustrators, and designers) works together to produce professional fiction and nonfiction books.

    Hydro, OK   US

845 Press

845 Press is the London, Ontario-based publishing arm of The /tƐmz/ Review. We are interested in innovative work by both emerging and established writers. We publish chapbooks and are pleased to announce that we are now branching out into publishing longer fiction ebooks.

    London, ON   CA

8th House Publishing

8th House Publishing publishes exemplary fiction, non-fiction, poetry and philosophic works. Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, 8th House has contributing editors in Montreal, New York and London. We distribute worldwide and maintain warehousing in Canada, US and the continental Europe.

    Montreal, PQ   CA

Able Muse Press

Publishers of poetry, short story anthologies, and literary novels. They accept submissions only during their reading period from May 1 to July 15 annually.

    San Jose, CA   US

Acorn Press

Acorn Press publishes books that reflect the culture and indigenous knowledge of Prince Edward Island. The books are primarily about Prince Edward Island and/or written by Prince Edward Islanders, and include fiction, non-fiction, children’s literature, and poetry.

    Charlottetown, PE   CA

ACTA Publications

ACTA Publications began in 1957 as a publisher of books and audio/video resources for Catholic religious education and marriage preparation. It has since broadened its editorial scope to include a wide variety of materials for those attempting to live out the Christian faith in their daily lives, on their jobs, with their families, and in their communities.

    Chicago, IL   US

ACTA Publications

ACTA Publications began in 1957 as a publisher of books and audio/video resources for religious education and spiritual development. It has since broadened its editorial scope to include sports; social justice and community organizing; caregiving, grief, and mourning; storytelling and novels; and children's books. We publish 8-10 new titles per year and have a backlist of over 400 books and cds. ACTA titles are non-academic and aimed at the average reader. Most of our titles are meant to be given as gifts, both on special occasions or to people who are going through specific life situations or stages.

    Chicago, IL   US

Ahsahta Press

Ahsahta Press, located at Boise State University in Boise, Idaho, champions and promotes surprising, relevant, and accessible experimental poetry that more commercially minded small presses avoid; in making it widely available, the Press aims to increase its readership.

    Boise, ID   US

Aldrich Publishing

Aldrich Publishing is a chapbook company that accepts free verse poetry. Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome year round. Authors are expected to be widely published in magazines and journals. An imprint of Kelsay Books.

    Torrance, CA   US

Alice James Books

Alice James Books was named after Alice James when the press was founded in 1973 by five women and two men in Boston, Ma. The goal was to establish a press that gave voice to women poets. The vision to support women writers is carried out today, though the press still publishes men and also seeks to publish a broad range of voices from the poetry community. Follow the links in the drop down menu under “about” to learn more!

    Farmington, ME   US

Allen & Unwin

Allen & Unwin is Australia's leading independent publisher, producing approximately 250 new titles each year including literary and commercial fiction, a broad range of general non fiction, academic and professional titles and books for children and young adults. Imprints include Allen & Unwin, Arena, Crows Nest and Inspired Living (MBS).

    Crows Nest, NSW   AU

Anaphora Literary Press

Anaphora Literary Press was started as an academic press with the publication of the Pennsylvania Literary Journal (PLJ) in 2009. In the Winter of 2010, Anaphora began accepting book-length submissions. Anaphora has now published over 240 creative and non-fiction books.

    Quanah, TX   US

Animal Heart Press

Animal Heart Press was born out of a desire to make a difference in the world of poetry. The press is fiercely feminist, and we’re interested in lifting up feminist voices, and those who support them. AHP doesn’t care if you have an MFA, or if you didn’t finish high school – if you’re a good poet, that’s what counts. We love seeing people who do the work – who take on feedback, read widely, and make a serious attempt to better their writing. These are our kind of people.

    Thetford Ctr., VT   US

Antrim House

Antrim House publishes poetry by emerging and established authors as well as memoirs and photo essays.

    Simsbury, CT   US

Anvil Press

Anvil Press is a literary publisher interested in contemporary, progressive literature in all genres.

    Vancouver, BC   CA

Appletree Press

Appletree Press is one of Ireland's largest publishers of gift and guidebooks for an international market. It publishes in eight languages in its own right. These include French, Russian, Japanese, Greek and Spanish.

    Belfast, N. Ireland   UK

April Gloaming Publishing

April Gloaming Publishing is a nonprofit independent press based in Nashville, TN that aims to capture and better understand the Southern soul, Southern writing, and the Southern holler. April Gloaming celebrates the genre-benders, those rare works that bring the old and the new together into something entirely transcendent. Being small lets us follow our dreams, however dark and twisted they may be, and allows us to show them to the world.

    Nashville, TN   US

Aquarius Press/Willow Books

The mission of Willow Books is to develop, publish and promote writers typically underrepresented in the literary field. An independent press with a woman of color at its helm, Aquarius Press/Willow Books is recognized as an industry leader for its commitment to artistic development.

    Detroit, MI   US

Ara Pacis Publishers

Ara Pacis publishes contemporary poetry, short fiction collections, novels, anthologies, memoirs, reprints of forgotten modern classics, essays and criticism, travel chronicles and guide books, as well as writing on social and cultural issues from a philosophic perspective.

    Des Plaines, IL   US

Arc Publications

Arc publishes contemporary poetry from new and established writers from the UK and abroad, specialising in the work of international poets writing in English and the work of overseas poets in translation. Arc also has a music imprint, Arc Music, for the publication of books about music and musicians.

    Todmorden, England   UK

Arcade Publishing

Arcade Publishing is an independent trade publishing company that started in 1988 in New York, USA. They are publishers of American and world fiction and non-fiction.

    New York, NY   US

Arktoi Books

An imprint of Red Hen Press, Eloise Klein Healy established Arktoi Books to publish literary works of high quality by lesbian writers.

    Pasadena, CA   US

Arsenal Pulp Press

Arsenal Pulp Press is a book publisher in Vancouver, Canada with over 200 titles currently in print, which include literary fiction and nonfiction; cultural and gender studies; gay, lesbian, and multicultural literature; cookbooks; and guidebooks.

    Vancouver, BC   CA

Aukland University Press

The leading scholarly publisher in New Zealand, publishing Maori studies, New Zealand history and biography, and is the country's major publisher of new poetry.

    Auckland,   NZ

Aunt Lute Books

Aunt Lute Books is a nonprofit multicultural women's press based in San Francisco. For over thirty years, we have been publishing literature by women whose voices have been traditionally underrepresented in mainstream and small press publishing.

    San Francisco, CA   US

Autonomous Press

Autonomous Press publishes both fiction and nonfiction. Scholarly or journalistic works, novels, anthologies, memoirs, poetry, drama - we'll consider any genre, and we love innovative hybrid works that defy traditional genre categories. We're especially interested in publishing authors whose voices are generally marginalized by the mainstream. Authors who are neurodivergent, queer, transgender, mad, disabled, racialised, presently or formerly homeless or incarcerated. Authors doing work so radical, in some way or another, that conventional academic or literary publishers are scared to touch it. We want to amplify the sort of voices that are too often silenced in the dominant culture.

    Fort Worth, TX   US

Autumn House Press

Autumn House Press is a nonprofit corporation registered in the state of Pennsylvania whose mission is to publish and promote poetry and other fine literature.

    Pittsburgh, PA   US

Avocet Press Inc

Avocet Press is a small independent publisher of fine fiction and poetry

    Pearl River, NY   US

Aztlan Libre Press

Aztlan Libre Press is dedicated to the promotion, publication, and free expression of Xicanx literature and art.

    San Antonio, TX   US

Backwaters Press

We are an independent, nonprofit press based in Nebraska. We have published numerous award-winning titles, including the anthology "Times of Sorrow, Times of Grace" (2003), which received two Nebraska book awards, and Nebraska Presence: An Anthology of Poetry, which won a Nebraska Book Award for a poetry anthology. Several poets published by the press have had poems from their books read by Garrison Keillor on The Writer's Almanac. In 2011, The Backwaters Press won the Nebraska Center for the Book's Jane Geske Award, for its exceptional contribution to the Nebraska literary community.

    Omaha, NE   US

Bamboo Ridge Press

Bamboo Ridge Press is the oldest and longest-running independent literary press in the state and one of the oldest continuously publishing small presses in the nation. Bamboo Ridge was founded in 1978 to foster the appreciation, understanding, and creation of literary, visual, or performing arts by, for, or about the people of Hawai'i. It is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization funded by book sales and individual donors and supplemented in part by government and private foundation grants.

    Honolulu, HI   US

Banff Centre Press

The Banff Centre Press is uniquely positioned to publish the great wealth and diversity of content written at and commissioned by The Banff Centre, the world's largest arts and creativity incubator.

    Banff, AB   CA

Banshee Press

Banshee Press is a small independent Irish publisher established in 2014. We publish Banshee literary journal twice a year as well as a select list of books. We are not accepting unsolicited submissions at this time, but are open to enquiries and proposals from contributors to our journal, particularly those who have not yet published a book-length work.

    Ballinlough, Cork   IE

Baobab Press

Baobab Press seeks books that communicate and support their themes through new and well-articulated means. We like risk. We like invention. More importantly, we look for a quality of thought that adds depth to a writer’s concerns. And although it is not an official requirement, we tend to select literary work with a strong sense of place at its core. Ultimately, our goal is to publish work that resonates in the contemporary climate and that will continue to resonate in years to come.

    Reno, NV   US

Baseline Press

Baseline Press is a poetry micro-press based out of London, Ontario. Since 2011, we have been creating limited edition hand-sewn chapbooks for both new and established Canadian poets.

    London, ON   CA

BatCat Press

BatCat Press is a small independent publisher and bindery located in Midland, PA, specializing in limited hand-bound editions of awesome poetry and prose. BatCat Press is fully staffed and operated by the students of Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School in Midland, PA. BatCat seeks to publish quality works while providing students the opportunity to work in a professional publishing environment. Submissions are accepted during our annual reading period and are selected by students with the help of members of the BatCat Press advisory board, a collection of writers, teachers, and administrators from across Western Pennsylvania.

    Midland, PA   US

Bauhan Publishing

An independent publisher with a focus on New England regional books in the areas of history, art, nature studies, and poetry, as well as venturing into thoughtful books that explore sustainability of both the earth and the spirit.

    Peterborough, NH   US

Bayeux Arts

Bayeux Arts produces artistic books that build bridges across cultures. Our imprints include Rosencrantz Comics, featuring graphic novels, and Odd Little Books, which brings together visual artists, dramatists, poets, puppeteers, playwrights and musicians.

    Calgary, AB   CA

Bear Star Press

Founded in 1996, Bear Star is committed to publishing the best writing it can attract from the Mountain and Pacific time zones, as well as Alaska and Hawaii.

    Cohasset, CA   US


Biblioasis is a literary press based in Windsor, Ontario, committed to publishing the best poetry, fiction and non-fiction in beautifully crafted editions.

    Windsor, ON   CA

BkMk Press

During its first four years, BkMk Press published only chapbooks. In 1975, BkMk Press published its first full-length poetry collection, Kansas City Outloud, an anthology of Kansas City-area writers with an introduction by John Ciardi. Since then, the press has concentrated on full-length collections of poetry, short fiction, and creative essays. Today, the press publishes four to six titles a year and has over 80 titles in print. The press has published writers from all over the United States and abroad, but it has also published many writers from Kansas City and the Midwest.

    Kansas City, MO   US

Black Heron Press

Black Heron Press is a Washington-based press publishing primarily literary fiction.

    Mill Creek, WA   US

Black Lawrence Press

Black Lawrence Press is an independent publisher of contemporary poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. We also publish the occasional translation from the German and the French. Founded in 2004, Black Lawrence became an imprint of Dzanc Books in January 2008. Through our annual contests and open reading periods, we seek innovative, electrifying, and thoroughly intoxicating manuscripts that ensnare themselves in our hearts and minds and won't let go.

    Pittsburgh, PA   US

Black Moss Press

Since it was founded in 1969, Black Moss Press has built a national reputation for its contribution to Canadian literature. Black Moss has published more than 400 first editions and introduced more than 100 new authors to the Canadian literary scene.

    Windsor, ON   CA

Black Mountain Press

Black Mountain Press is a literary press, looking for high quality novels, short story collections and book length poetry collections.

    Asheville, NC   US


BlazeVOX [books] presents innovative fictions and wide ranging fields of contemporary poetry. Our books push at the frontiers of what is possible with our innovative poetry, fiction and select non-fiction and literary criticism. Our fundamental mission is to disseminate poetry, through print and digital media, both within academic spheres and to society at large.

    Kenmore, NY   US

Blood Pudding Press

Blood Pudding Press is an indie poetry chapbook press and has an etsy shop offering hand-designed poetry chapbooks.

    Medina, OH   US

Bloof Books

Bloof Books is collective poetry press based in Central New Jersey, publishing perfect-bound paperbacks, limited-edition handmade chapbooks, broadsides, fine art prints, and ephemera. We were founded in 2007, and have just celebrated out tenth year. We hope to be doing this at least ten more.

    , NJ   US


Bloomsbury Publishing is a leading independent publishing house established in 1986. It has companies in London, New York, Sydney and New Delhi. Its four divisions include Bloomsbury Academic and Professional, Bloomsbury Information, Bloomsbury Adult Publishing and Bloomsbury Children's Publishing.

    New York, NY   US

Bloomsday Literary

Bloomsday Literary is an independent press in Houston, Texas featuring the voices of inspiring, innovative, and undaunted storytellers writing in fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry.

    Houston, TX   US

Blue Dolphin Publishing

Books and tapes on comparative cultural and spiritual traditions, psychology, self-help, healing, ecology, interspecies relationships, and increasing social awareness and conscious evolution.

    Nevada City, CA   US

BOA Editions Ltd

A not-for-profit publisher of poetry, short stories and other literary works, fosters readership and appreciation of contemporary literature.

    Rochester, NY   US

Boaz Publishing

Boaz Publishing Company publishes fiction, poetry, and general non-fiction for sale through the book trade to general interest readers.

    Albany, CA   US

Bonfire Books

Bonfire Books is an Australian independent publisher founded in 2019 to find the best in new writing and the lost works of our literary inheritance. We note a lack of perspectives in the Australian mainstream that adequately address the rushing complexity of contemporary life. We seek to uphold the best of our literary tradition and welcome subtle and intrepid work of cutting wisdom, grim truth and unflinching soul.

    Melbourne, VIC   AU

Book Thug

BookThug seeks to publish innovative books of poetry, prose and creative criticism that extend the tradition of experimental literature. All manuscripts are evaluated for their artistic merit and their ability to continue the conversation about experimental literature. In other words, every manuscript must display an awareness of the intellectual and artistic tradition which preceded it, while then stretching the concepts further, responding to today's philosophical, scientific, political, and aesthetic environment.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Book*hug Press

Celebrating adventures in literary publishing since 2004, Book*hug Press is a radically optimistic Canadian independent literary press working at the forefront of contemporary book culture. Our mandate is to publish innovative and contemporary books of literary fiction, literary nonfiction, literature in translation, and poetry by emerging and established writers.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Borealis Press

Book publishers specializing in Canadian literature, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, native, aboriginal and critical texts. Borealis Book was founded in 1972 to encourage and publish new Canadian writers who demonstrate talent and potential for significant growth.

    Nepean, ON   CA

Bottlecap Press

Bottlecap Press is a millennial publishing outfit dedicated to authors' rights and fair pay with the primary goal of emphasizing the alarmingly, frustratingly, artistically human. We are publishers of poetry and fiction, chapbooks and full lengths, and all of our books are lovingly handcrafted on demand. Bottlecap Press is always looking for fresh new material, and is actively seeking manuscript submissions for chapbooks and full length works, videos for our YouTube channel, and poetry and fiction submissions for our blog.

    Alton, IL   US

Boyds Mills Press

Boyds Mills Press, the trade book division of Highlights for Children, publishes a wide range of high-quality fiction and nonfiction titles for young readers. Established in 1990, Boyds Mills Press's picture books, chapter books, novels, and nonfiction focus on excellent storytelling, imaginative illustration, and strong characters. Our exceptionally crafted titles are designed to entertain, inform, and engage children of all ages.

    Honesdale, PA   US

Brandylane Publishers

Brandylane is a small, independent press, founded in 1985, that publishes fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and children's books.

    Richmond, VA   US

Breakwater Books

Breakwater Books Ltd. was founded in 1973. Initially, its sole purpose was to publish materials that preserved the unique culture of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Maritime provinces. In recent years, Breakwater has successfully begun publishing cutting edge literature in all genres, including children's books, literary and commercial fiction, educational curricula, non-fiction, and poetry, while at the same time continuing to support its culturally significant backlist titles.

    St. John’s, NL   CA

Brick Books

Brick Books is one of a handful of publishing companies in Canada that exclusively publishes poetry. Founded in 1975 in London, Ontario by Stan Dragland and Don McKay, the press continues its dedication to fostering interesting, ambitious and compelling work by both new and established poets. Brick Books has published well-known Canadian writers like Michael Ondaatje, Dennis Lee, Robert Kroetsch and P.K. Page, as well as many emerging writers such as Kenneth Radu, Karen Connelly, and J.A. Hamilton.

    London, ON   CA

Brick Cave Media

Headquartered in Mesa, AZ, Brick Cave Media works to take the ideas and efforts of creative people and manifest them into products and services that can be enjoyed by all. Most of our supporters know us as the publisher of tremendous fantasy, sci-fi and poetry from the likes of Scott Woods, Sharon Skinner and J.A. Giunta. We have released over 60 books to date, and we continue to grow this potion of what we do with more books and authors each year. Today, publishing is the core of our business.

    Mesa, AZ   US

Brick Road Poetry Press

The mission of Brick Road Poetry Press is to publish and promote poetry that entertains, amuses, edifies, and surprises a wide audience of appreciative readers. We are not qualified to judge who deserves to be published, so we concentrate on publishing what we enjoy. Our preference is for poetry geared toward dramatizing the human experience in a language rich with sensory image and metaphor, recognizing that poetry can be, at one and the same time, both familiar as the perspiration of daily labor and outrageous as a carnival sideshow.

    Columbus, GA   US

Brigids Gate Press

Independent publisher of anthologies of horror, dark fantasy and speculative fiction. New and underrepresented authors welcome.

    Bucyrus, KS   US

Broadside Lotus Press

Broadside Press is the oldest African American publisher of African American poetry in the United States. It was founded by Dudley Randall in 1965.

    Detroit, MI   US

Broken Column Press

Broken Column Press is a publishing company based in Arlington, Virginia. Our publishing philosophy is to produce literary works of the highest quality. We do not aim to be the biggest. Our goal is to be the best we can be. We do not want to publish everything, only the best of what comes across our desks. Our specialty areas include Freemasonry, poetry, non-fiction narrative, and travel narrative, but we are open to other ideas that catch our interest.

    Arlington, VA   US

Broken Jaw Press

Located east of the centre of Canada and left of the mainstream, we specialize in highly contemporary writing by poets, writers, translators and artists who take risks and take the responsibility for doing something different.

    Fredericton, NB   CA

Bronze Man Books

Bronze Man Books is a student owned and operated press located in Decatur, Illinois. The company exposes undergraduate students to the process of publishing by combining the theory of writing, publishing, editing and designing with the practice of running a book publishing company. This emphasis on performance learning is a hallmark of Millikin's brand of education.

    Decatur, IL   US

Brucedale Press

Since 1994, The Brucedale Press has published words from here - the Queen's Bush and Bruce Peninsula in Ontario, Canada - that offer good reading anywhere. The Brucedale Press is a division of BROAD HORIZONS BOOKS Bruce County's most experienced bookseller, with headquarters in Port Elgin, Ontario. Our fine books present the area as seen by talented writers, artists, and photographers.

    Port Elgin, ON   CA

Bull City Press

Bull City Press, an independent, volunteer-run small press based in North Carolina, was born in 2006. We publish chapbooks and occasionally full-length books, as well as the quarterly journal Inch. While we started with a mostly-poetry approach, we launched a line of fiction and nonfiction chapbooks when we merged with Origami Zoo Press in 2015.

    Durham, NC   US

Burgoyne & Burgoyne Publishers

Burgoyne and Burgoyne, Publishers is a small, independent publishing house, committed to publishing its own art (illustrated) and nature (photography) books.

    Salt Lake City, UT   US

Burning Shore Press

Established in 2005, Burning Shore Press is a publisher of serious "underground" literature and is based in Long Beach, California.

    Long Beach, CA   US

C&R Press

We love books. Literature matters in today's world because it lets us explore and share the best of what we think, and who we can be. Good fiction, nonfiction and poetry grow understanding and imagination, take us into new lives and show us truths we never knew. So we're looking for talented authors and poets - both new and established - whose work we help refine, support, publish and promote. And, through their works, we're looking to grow the reading public's love of reading, writing, crafting and dreaming.

    Chattanooga, TN   US

Caitlin Press

Caitlin Press publishes culturally significant books, including fiction, non-fiction (both historical and creative), and poetry. Occasionally we will produce a children's or young adult title. In addition to its regional mandate Caitlin Press will honour its original roots by actively seeking, promoting and publishing work by and about BC women.

    Halfmoon Bay, BC   CA

Calamari Archive

Calamari Press is a small-press book publishing company, founded in 2003 by Derek White. It has published over 50 book objects, including the literary magazine Sleepingfish and the acquired 3rd bed imprint. Some of these have been first books by emerging writers such as Blake Butler, Miranda Mellis, Robert Lopez, Peter Markus and Chiara Barzini, while others have been resurrected reprints of out-of-print cult classics by established writers such as David Ohle, Gary Lutz, Stanley Crawford and Scott Bradfield.

As of 2017, Calamari Archive will only publish anonymous or pseudonymous works.

    Rome,   IT

Canarium Books

Established in 2008, Canarium Books is dedicated to publishing poetry by established and emerging authors from the United States and abroad. It is edited by Joshua Edwards, Lynn Xu, Nick Twemlow, and Robyn Schiff. Canarium is currently sponsored in part by Columbia University School of the Arts, where students assist in the editing of the press.

    Marfa, TX   US


Since 1973 we’ve worked to unearth and amplify the most vital, exciting voices we can find, wherever they come from, and we’ve published all kinds of books – thoughtful, upsetting, gripping, beatific, vulgar, chaste, unrepentant, life-changing

    Edinburgh, Scotland   US

Carcanet Press

Now in its fifth decade, Carcanet publishes the most comprehensive and diverse list available of modern and classic poetry in English and in translation, as well as a range of inventive fiction, Lives and Letters and literary criticism.

    Manchester, England   UK

Carnegie Mellon University Press

Founded in 1972 as Three Rivers Press, a publisher of poetry, Carnegie Mellon University Press's particular strength continues to lie in literary publishing with the following series: -Carnegie Mellon Poetry Series -Carnegie Mellon Classic Contemporaries Series -Carnegie Mellon Series in Translation -Carnegie Mellon Series in Short Fiction -Poets in Prose Series The Press also publishes in art, music, the performing arts, critical analysis, education, University history, and social history.

    Pittsburgh, PA   US

Carolina Wren Press

Carolina Wren Press is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to publish quality fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and children's literature, especially by writers historically neglected by mainstream publishing.

    Durham, NC   US

Cedar Creek Publishing

Cedar Creek Publishing is a Virginia publisher of books by exceptional Virginia authors. Cedar Creek currently publishes anthologies, art, children's books, general fiction, poetry and regional history titles.

    Bremo Bluff, VA   US

Celtic Cat Publishing

Celtic Cat Publishing is an award-winning independent publisher founded in 1995. The publishing philosophy of Celtic Cat Publishing is to support new and established literary talent through original publications.

    Knoxville, TN   US

Central Avenue Publishing

Central Avenue is a press featuring writers of original fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction. We look for talented, driven and committed writers. Many of our books are published under the ireadiwrite Publishing imprint. Romance titles are published under Everheart Books.

    Delta, BC   CA

Centrinian Publishing

Centrinian is a small independent publishing house founded in London on August 5, 2011. Our company publishes a broad range of quality fiction and non-fiction works.

    London, England   UK

Chatwin Books

Chatwin Books publishes literary fiction, contemporary and collected poetry, and fine art and photography books.

    Seattle, WA   US

Chaudiere Books

Ottawa-based literary press, publishing approximately four books a season of poetry, fiction and non-fiction.

    Ottawa, ON   CA

Cherry-House Press

Cherry-House Press publishes both new and seasoned authors. They also publish anthologies. They strive to help all of the "little guys" out there who are trying to make their mark with their books.

    Arthur, IL   US

Chicory Press

Chicory Press is a new independent publishing house working to bring great stories to life. Whether fiction or non-fiction, mystery, romance, fantasy, and everything in-between, we strive to find the diamonds-in-the-rough; to give voices to authors with great stories to tell

    Fall River, MA   US

Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

As the scholarly publishing division of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press (CUHK Press) is a world-class English-Chinese bilingual publisher.

    Hong Kong SAR,   CN

Cinco Puntos Press

Independent book publisher: featuring fine multicultural literature for adults, young adults and children.

    El Paso, TX   US

City Lights Publishers

A bookstore-publishing combination located in San Francisco that publishes between ten to twelve books per year.

    San Francisco, CA   US

City Limits Publishing

City Limits Publishing, LLC is a Tennessee-based full service traditional book publisher. We do not charge authors for our publishing services and we handle everything from editing and proofing, to design and marketing with zero cost to our authors, ever. We are dedicated to building our authors up and distributing their work.

    Nashville, TN   US

Coach House Books

Coach House Books is an independent Canadian publisher of poetry, fiction, drama & nonfiction.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Codhill Press

Literary publisher offering books of spiritual, literary, and poetic thought.

    New Paltz, NY   US

Coffee House Press

Coffee House Press is an award-winning, nonprofit literary publisher in Minneapolis. We produce books that present the dreams and ambitions of people who have been underrepresented in published literature, books that shape our national consciousness while strengthening a larger sense of community.

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Cold Hub Press

Cold Hub Press edits, designs and publishes books and chapbooks of contemporary New Zealand and international poetry.

    Lyttelton,   NZ

Compassiviste Publishing

Compassiviste Publishing welcomes unsolicited full-length manuscripts from writers at any stage of their career. Our work includes fiction and non-fiction books across a wide range of genres, covering important social, cultural and environmental topics aligned with Compassiviste Foundation’s charitable causes. We invest 100% of our net profits back into the charity.

    London, England   UK

Conundrum Press

Conundrum Press publishes fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction, focusing primarily on authors who live in the Rocky Mountain region.

    Golden, CO   US

Cooper Dillon Books

Founded in 2009 and based in San Diego, California, we publish full-length and chapbook poetry collections in perfect-bound paperback editions. Our books are available at our store and ship from San Diego; additionally, most titles are distributed via Ingram, supplying retailers worldwide

    San Diego, CA   US

Copper Canyon Press

Copper Canyon Press is a nonprofit independent publisher dedicated to fostering the work of poets. Since 1972, the Press has published poetry exclusively and has established an international reputation for its commitment to authors, editorial acumen, and dedication to the poetry audience.

    Port Townsend, WA   US

Cork University Press

Cork University Press is Ireland's oldest university press. While the Press specializes in the broad field of Irish Cultural Studies, its subject range extends across the fields of music, art history, literary criticism and poetry. The focus of our list is however in the areas of Irish cultural history, archaeology and landscape studies.

    Cork, Cty Cork   IE

Cormorant Books

Cormorant Books is committed to publishing the best new work in the area of literary fiction and creative non-fiction for the adult market.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Coteau Books

Founded in 1975 in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, and currently operating out of offices in Regina, Coteau Books' mission is to publish and present to the world markets new voices and works of literary excellence from the Canadian literary community, with an emphasis on Saskatchewan and prairie writers.

    Regina, SK   CA

Counterpoint Press

We are an author-driven publishing house that devotes all energy to the fresh, cutting-edge, and literary voices of our authors. Counterpoint publishes fiction, literature, and poetry in addition to nonfiction, including history, memoir, biography, and nature.

    Berkeley, CA   US

Creekstone Press

Creekstone Press focuses on work featuring writers from Northern BC Diversity of expression, accuracy, originality, craftsmanship and regional relevance govern manuscript selection.

    Smithers, BC   CA

Crescent Moon Publishing

Crescent Moon Publishing aims to publish the best in contemporary books on literature, media, poetry, cinema, feminism, painting, sculpture and the arts

    Kent, England   UK

Crystal Spirit Publishing

Crystal Spirit Publishing, Inc. is an independent general trade mass media book publisher specializing in Business, Children's, Fiction, Erotica, Inspirational, Non-fiction, Poetry, Religion and Self-help books. Our mission is to develop books that are high quality and sold in book and gift stores, placed in libraries and schools and distributed as eBooks, as well as, develop aspiring writers through our author development programs.

    Durham, NC   US


Cubanabooks is a small independent press devoted to bringing first-class literature from Cuban women to a United States audience as well as to a global English and Spanish-speaking public. Publishing select literary gems in English or in bilingual English/Spanish volumes, Cubanabooks aims to correct the current U.S. unavailability of excellent literature from Cubans living in Cuba. While not excluding any Cuban women writer, we prioritize the dissemination of works by living female writers who reside on the island.

    Chico, CA   US

Cynren Press

Cynren Press is an award-winning traditional publisher of history, memoir, and biography. We approach history as the human story, offering a guide to the past, insight into the present, and lessons for the future.

    Thorndale, PA   US

Dalkey Archive Press

Founded in 1984, Dalkey Archive Press is a nonprofit publisher at the University of Houston-Victoria, devoted to publishing the best contemporary literature from across the world.

Dalkey Archive Press was acquired by Deep Vellum Publishing in late 2020.

    Dallas, TX   US

Darkwater Syndicate

Darkwater Syndicate is your source for uncommonly good reading. Every week we publish a brand new short story, free to read. We also publish books of quality, with an emphasis on fresh new voices. Our catalog is small at the moment, but it is growing.

    Miami Lakes, FL   US

David R Godine

David R. Godine, Inc., is a small publishing house located in Boston, Massachusetts, producing between twenty and thirty titles per year and maintaining an active reprint program. The company is independent (a rarity these days) and its list tends to reflect the individual tastes and interests of its president and founder, David Godine.

    Boston, MA   US

Death Knell Press

Death Knell Press is an indie publishing company dedicated to creating great works of dark fiction. Despite hardships, we will press on through the sounding of the death knell, defiant of its torment, and continue to create in this tumultuous world.

    Virginia Beach, VA   US

Deep Vellum

Deep Vellum is a nonprofit publishing house and literary arts organization with the mission to bring the world into conversation through literature.

    Dallas, TX   US

Deerbrook Editions

Deerbrook Editions is a literary small press publishing noteworthy and emerging authors in well-designed trade books. Our mission is to provide literature that is relevant and stimulating and to support authors by giving them a wider audience. The press presents authors to you in quality paper back books. The design is clean and unique to each book.

    Cumberland, ME   US

Del Alma Publications

Del Alma Publications publishes books that focus on the bilingual, bicultural experience along the Texas Mexico border in the following genres: children’s bilingual picture books, middle and young adult readers, bilingual and Spanish poetry collections.

    Zapata, TX   US

Diode Editions

At Diode Editions our mission is to beautifully craft our books, and to fanatically support our authors.

    Doha,   QA

Diversion Press

Diversion Press has been in business since 2008. We are a small, traditional, publisher looking for quality books. We have published books ranging from children's, young adult, history, non-fiction, and poetry.

    Clarksville, TN   US

Divertir Publishing

Divertir Publishing is an independent publisher located in Salem, NH. Our goal is to provide interesting and entertaining books to the world, as well as to offer new and exciting voices to the writing community. We seek to combine the knowledge of the established publishing houses with a unique understanding of the desires of the modern market.

    North Salem, NH   US

DoctorZed Publishing

Founded in 2006 in Adelaide, South Australia, DoctorZed Publishing is an independent publisher of print books, ebooks and audiobooks.

    Adelaide, SA   AU

Downingfield Press

Downingfield Press is an independent book publisher based in Melbourne with a global reach. Our mission is to publish emerging authors. We strive to produce interesting content bound in affordable, high-quality, and well-designed books. We focus on cultural value when selecting works to publish.

    Pascoe Vale, VIC   AU

Dundurn Press

Since 1972, Dundurn Press and its associated imprints have published more than 2000 titles, of which 1700 are still in print. Dundurn publishes about ninety to one hundred new titles per year and is now one of the largest publishers of adult and young adult fiction and non-fiction in Canada.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Durvile Publications

Durvile Publications publishes books that demystify the professions for professionals and the informed general public. Our "True Cases" series includes books by lawyers and judges about the law, and forensic psychologists and psychiatrists about mental disorders in the justice system. Our new "UpRoute Bright Books with Bite" imprint features a series of art, music, and filmmaking survival activity books.

    Calgary, AB   CA

ECW Press

ECW Press has published close to 1,000 books that are distributed throughout the English-speaking world and translated into dozens of languages. In the next year we'll release 50 new titles and will continue to support and promote a vibrant backlist that includes poetry and fiction, pop-culture and political analysis, sports books, biography, and travel guides.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Editions du Noroit

Since their founding in 1971, Editions du Noroit has devoted itself mainly to the publishing of poetry books, in original and translation versions.

    Montreal, PQ   CA

Educe Press

Looking for writing that combines the aesthetics of literary language with the pulse of genre movements. Publishes book-length literary fiction, nonfiction and poetry.

    Butte, MT   US

Ekstasis Editions

Ekstasis Editions is a Canadian literary publisher, with emphasis on poetry, fiction and criticism. Originally, Ekstasis published almost exclusively poetry, but it has diversified and branched out into related forms such as literary fiction, metaphysics, theatre and most recently Children's and Young Adult books under the Cherubim Books imprint.

    Victoria, BC   CA

Elixir Press

Elixir Press was founded in Minneapolis in 2000 by poet and editor, Dana Curtis. In 2004, Elixir moved to Denver. Elixir specialize in publishing poetry and literary fiction. We hold two poetry contests for full-length books every year and a fiction contest for a full-length book every two years.

    Denver , CO   US

Etruscan Press

Housed at Wilkes University and partnering with Youngstown State University, Etruscan is a non-profit literary press working to produce and promote books that nurture the dialogue among genres, cultures, and voices. Etruscan publishes books of poems, novels, short stories, creative non-fiction, criticism, translation, and anthologies.

    Wilkes Barre, PA   US

Faber & Faber

Founded in 1929 by Geoffrey Faber, Faber and Faber remains one of the UK's leading independent publishing houses. Faber publishes fiction, non-fiction, and children's books alongside its garlanded lists of poetry, drama, music and film.

    London, England   UK

Farrar Straus and Giroux

Farrar, Straus and Giroux (FSG) is an American book publishing company, founded in 1946 by Roger W. Straus, Jr. and John C. Farrar. The firm is renowned for its international list of literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry and children's books.

    New York, NY   US

Fence Books

Launched in 2001, Fence Books publishes poetry, fiction, and critical texts and anthologies, and prioritizes sustained support for its authors, many of whom come to us through our book contests and then go on to publish second, third, fourth books.

    Albany, NY   US

Fernwood Publishing

Fernwood Publishing and our literary imprint, Roseway, publish critical books that inform, enlighten and challenge. We are political publishers in that our books acknowledge, confront and contest intersecting forms of oppression and exploitation. We believe that in publishing books that challenge the status quo and imagine new ways forward we participate in the creation of a more socially just world.

    Black Point, NS   CA

Finishing Line Press

Finishing Line Press is an award-winning small press publisher based in Georgetown, Kentucky.

    Georgetown, KY   US

Fitzhenry & Whiteside

Fitzhenry & Whiteside encourages new talent and Canadian authors and illustrators. The firm specializes in history, biography, childrens' fiction and non-fiction, young adult and mid-level readers, e-books, poetry, sports, reference, photographic titles, cookbooks, travel, and lifestyle books.

    Markham, ON   CA

Five Oaks Press

Five Oaks Press is an independent press that publishes poetry chapbooks and full-length collections, as well as literary fiction.

    Newburgh, NY   US

Flashpoint Publications

Flashpoint Publications is interested in stories relating to the LGBTQIA+ community. We’re open to reviewing manuscripts in any genre, from romance to nonfiction.

    Sardinia, OH   US

Fledgling Press

Fledgling Press is an independent publisher in Edinburgh. We are commited to publishing work by debut authors, emerging talent and new voices in the literary world. Emphasis on Scottish authors but not exclusively.

    Edinburgh, Scotland   UK

Floating Bridge Press

Floating Bridge Press is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit literary arts organization, founded in 1994. Floating Bridge Press promotes the diverse voices of Washington State poets through an annual poetry chapbook competition, archival-quality books, online publishing, broadsides, and community readings.

    Seattle, WA   US

Floating Word Press

Floating Word Press, LLC, is an independent publishing company founded in 2006 by talented and committed individuals. We share a dedication to high standards and a willingness to embrace contemporary topics. Our goal is to publish quality genre fiction and non-fiction that "floats on the edge". We are located in Portland, Oregon.

    Portland, OR   US

Flowersong Press

Our small press nurtures essential verse from, about, and through the borderlands. The voices of those from Latin America, the U.S.A. and all over the world. We are literary, lyrical, and boundless, and we welcome allies that understand and join in the voice of people of color and our struggle, truth, and hope. We publish novice, emerging, and established writers of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and children´s books.

    McAllen, TX   US

Folded Word

Folded Word is an all-volunteer press dedicated to exploring the world, one voice at a time. We publish chapbook-length manuscripts of poetry, fiction, travel narrative, translation, and literary essay. We also publish the e-zine unFold.

    Meredith, NH   US

Four Way Books

Four Way Books is a nonprofit literary publisher based out of NYC's Tribeca, publishing 15 books of poetry and short fiction each year.

    New York, NY   US

Freehand Books

Freehand Books was established in 2007 as the literary imprint of the academic publisher Broadview Press with a very simple mandate: to publish excellent Canadian literature. Our list is an aesthetically diverse, award-winning collection of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction by both established authors and exciting new voices. We pride ourselves on our careful attention to detail throughout the editorial process, the high production quality and innovative design of our titles, and our creativity in the marketing and promotion of each book.

    Calgary, AB   CA

Fremantle Press

Fremantle Press welcomes unsolicited manuscripts from authors of Western Australian origin or whose main place of residence is Western Australia. We accept manuscripts in the genres of non-fiction, fiction and narrative non-fiction, poetry, and books for children and young adults.

    North Fremantle , WA   AU

From Beyond Press

From Beyond Press is a new independent publishing imprint specializing in new horror, science fiction, and poetry, as well as reissuing forgotten works.

    Chicago, IL   US

Frontenac House

Located in downtown Calgary, Frontenac House is a small literary press on the lookout for bold new work. Frontenac's mandate is to publish as wide a range of poetic expression, from as varied and diverse a group of poets, as we can find. Primarily a poetry press, Frontenac also publishes books of literary fiction, art and design, biography and children's literature.

    Calgary, AB   CA

Future Tense Books

Future Tense Books is a small press in Portland, Oregon owned and operated by editors Kevin Sampsell and Bianca Flores. It began in Spokane, Washington in 1990. They publish paperbacks as well as a chapbook series that is printed by the good folks at Scout Books. Future Tense publishes collections of fiction, poetry, memoir, and writing that blurs the lines of those categories.

    Portland, OR   US

FutureCycle Press

We publish contemporary English-language poetry books and chapbooks. We take our editorial role very seriously. Our editors, most of them working poets, volunteer their time to the press. We also award the FutureCycle Poetry Book Prize for the best full-length volume of poetry we publish in a calendar year.

    Lexington, KY   US


Futurepoem books is a New York City-based publishing collaborative dedicated to presenting innovative works of contemporary poetry and prose by both emerging and important underrepresented writers. Our rotating editorial panel shares the responsibility for selecting, designing and promoting the books we produce. We currently publish two titles per year. Futurepoem also occasionally invites writers or multi-genre artists to produce work for special projects that is then documented in print or via other media.

    New York, NY   US

Garden-Door Press

Garden-Door Press is an Ithaca, NY-based micro-press publishing chapbooks of experimental poetry and hybrid writing

    Ithaca, NY   US

Gaudy Boy LLC

Gaudy Boy brings literary works by authors of Asian heritage to the attention of an American audience. Established in 2018 as the imprint of the NYC-based literary non-profit Singapore Unbound, we publish poetry, fiction, and literary non-fiction.

    New York, NY   US

George Braziller Inc.

The firm is famous for its art books on painters such as Pablo Picasso, Will Barnett, Henri Matisse, Red Grooms, Philip Guston, and George Inness. In addition to timely and beautiful visual books, George Braziller, Inc.'s reputation has been built on publishing serious literary works and works of art history, architecture, and criticism. Over the years the firm has published Nathalie Sarraute, Claude Simon, Jean-Paul Sartre, Charles Simic, Frank Bidart, Janet Frame, Buchi Emecheta, and the pioneering art historian, Meyer Shapiro.

    New York, NY   US

Gertrude Press

Gertrude Press is a non-profit literary arts organization promoting the voices of queer and allied writers and artists. They publish limited-edition fiction and poetry chapbooks plus a biannual literary journal.

    Portland , OR   US

Gival Press

Gival Press, LLC, an award-winning independent literary publishing house located in Arlington, Virginia, publishes fiction, non-fiction (essays / educational texts), and poetry. To promote writing, Gival Press sponsors four annual contests for fiction and poetry. Our publications are in English, French, and Spanish. We publish the work of authors (poets / writers) from many walks of life who demonstrate quality and whose work has a message, be it philosophical or social. Many of our titles are of interest to the LGBTQ community at large.

    Arlington, VA   US

Gold Wake Press

Gold Wake Press is an independent literary house founded in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts in 2008 by Jared Michael Wahlgren, who ran the press until 2014. Kyle McCord, based in Des Moines, Iowa, is now Executive Editor, and the press seeks to bring voices to the spotlight who combine daring content with meticulous attention to form. Gold Wake Press publishes roughly 4-6 titles per year which are for sale at online vendors & in bookstores.

    Des Moines, ID   US

Golden Foothills Press

Golden Foothills Press was founded in Pasadena, CA in May 2014 by national award-winning author, Thelma T. Reyna. Its focus is on quality poetry, fiction, and nonfiction by traditionally underrepresented ethnic-minority authors and by community-oriented poets. It has published seven books, including three well-received poetry anthologies that feature over 100 Southern California poets collectively. Our books have earned a total of 14 national book honors. Three new books are slated for publication this year and early next. Dr. Reyna, an American Latina, is one of a relatively few indie literary book presses owned and operated by a minority woman in the United States.

    Pasadena, CA   US

Gomer Press

Gomer Press is a printing and publishing company based in Llandysul, west Wales. The company was first established in 1892 and is owned by the same family to this day. Jonathan Lewis, the great grandson of the company's founder, is the current managing director. Gomer Press today is both a thriving printing company and the largest publishing house in Wales. Every year, we publish over 120 titles, specializing in books which have a distinctive Welsh identity.

    Ceredigion, Wales   UK

Goose Lane Editions

Established in 1954, Goose Lane Editions is a literary press with a particular interest in contemporary fiction and poetry, as well as high profile non-fiction, including history, biography, Canadiana and fine art books.

    Fredericton, NB   CA

Gordon Hill Press

Gordon Hill Press accepts submissions of poetry, literary fiction, creative non-fiction, and criticism. We publish only Canadian authors, and we strive to include a wide diversity of writers and writing, particularly writers living with a disability. We want to publish exemplary writing.

    Guelph, ON   CA

Granta Books

Granta Books is one of the most independent-minded and prestigious literary publishers in the UK. The company publishes around 25 new titles a year, both literary fiction and upmarket non-fiction, and provides authors with the intimacy of a small, passionate and creative team while consistently punching above its weight in review coverage, prizes and cultural impact.

    London, England   UK

Graywolf Press

A small literary press publishing poetry, literary fiction, memoirs, gay and lesbian literature, short stories, essays and literary criticism.

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Green Integer

Essays, Manifestos, Statements, Speeches, Maxims, Epistles, Diaristic Jottings, Narratives, Natural histories, Poems, Plays, Performances, Ramblings, Revelations, and all such ephemera as may appear necessary to bring society into a slight tremolo of confusion and fright at least.

    Los Angeles, CA   US

Green Writers Press

Green Writers Press is a vibrant Vermont publishing company, founded with the mission to help spread a message of hope and renewal through the words and images we publish and to help facilitate the gift of words, through books and media, to help foster a sustainable environment.

    West Brattleboro, VT   US

Guernica Editions

Guernica Editions specializes in pluricultural realities, emphasis being put on original and translated works from Canada and abroad. Editor: Antonio D'Alfonso.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Half Mystic

Half Mystic is an internationally-acclaimed publishing house, literary journal, and arts organisation dedicated to the celebration of music in all its forms.

    Princeton, NJ   US

Hancock House

From the beginning the Hancock House focus has been on non-fiction regional titles, emphasizing western and far north history and biographies, Native culture, nature and wildlife, and cryptozoology and folklore. In 2008 Hancock House launched its first e-books. We have also developed an international presence with major wildlife conservation and falconry title.

    Surrey, BC   CA

Harbour Publishing

Harbour is well known for the Raincoast Chronicles, a series of anthologies on BC coast history and culture, of which twenty have now been produced. Harbour is also the publisher of over four hundred titles, including the bestselling Fishing with John by Edith Iglauer; The Encyclopedia of British Columbia and many BC Book Prize-winning books

    Madeira Park, BC   CA

Hedgerow Press

Hedgerow is a small company that publishes high quality books of literary and visual beauty, limiting its annual production so as to give greater attention to each individual book.

    Sidney, BC   CA

Helicon Nine Edition

The ongoing mission of Helicon Nine Editions is to publish books of unswerving quality, editorial excellence, and aesthetic merit by new and established writers - classics of the future, and to promote the authors and their work on a national and regional level; to nurture an interest in literature in a large, diverse audience; to promote literacy and free speech; and to contribute to the quality of cultural life in Kansas, Missouri, and throughout the Midwest.

    Kansas City, MO   US

Heyday Books

Heyday is an independent, nonprofit publisher and unique cultural institution. We promote widespread awareness and celebration of California's many cultures, landscapes, and boundary-breaking ideas. Through our well-crafted books, public events, and innovative outreach programs we are building a vibrant community of readers, writers, and thinkers.

    Berkeley, CA   US

High Plains Press

High Plains Press, located near Glendo, Wyoming, has published over 50 books since its beginning in 1984. The company now publishes about four books a year and focuses on history of Wyoming and the American West.

    Glendo, WY   US

Hobblebush Books

Hobblebush Books is an independent press dedicated to publishing books that feature a unique voice and make a difference. We publish both literary and non-literary titles. Although we publish e-books, we are dedicated to the book as a beautiful physical object, something to hold in your hands, admire and smell the ink while you read.

    Brookline, NH   US

Hohm Press

Hohm Press is committed to publishing books that provide readers with alternatives to the materialistic values of the current culture and promote self-awareness, the recognition of interdependence and compassion. Our subject areas include religious studies, natural health, parenting, women's issues, the arts and poetry.

    Chino Valley, AZ   US

Holy Cow Press

Holy Cow! Press was founded in 1977 by editor/publisher Jim Perlman in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our first publication was a chapbook of poems by Thomas McGrath to his son entitled LETTERS TO TOMASITO. In the ensuing 25 years, we have published over 70 titles and have moved the press operations to Iowa and Wisconsin, before returning to Minnesota (Duluth) in 1988. Our primary goal has been to publish the very best collections of Midwest writings we can find and develop an audience for those books regionally and nationally. We have published books of poetry, short fiction, memoirs, novels, plays, children's and young adult titles, biographies and anthologies centered around important themes.

    Duluth, MN   US

Homofactus Press

Homofactus Press is a small, digital publishing company that publishes books aimed at trans people, genderqueers, and queers living with disabilities.

    Ypsilanti, MI   US

Honno Welsh Women's Press

Honno is an independent co-operative press run by women and committed to bringing you the best in Welsh women's writing. It was established in 1986 by a determined group of volunteers who wanted to increase the opportunities for Welsh women in publishing and bring Welsh women's literature to a wider public. They asked the people of Wales to show their support for the new enterprise by becoming shareholders in the cooperative and in the first six months more than 400 people bought shares. Honno continues to be supported by hundreds of individual shareholders who believe in its work. True to its roots the press still only publishes work by women of Wales. Most of Honno's titles are novels, autobiographies and short story anthologies in English as well as Classics in both Welsh and English. We have in the past also published poetry, children's and teenage titles and books in both Welsh and English.

    Ceredigion , Wales   UK

Hope & Allen Publishing

Hope and Allen Publishing is a publisher of unique "how to" books, distinctive poetry and exceptional cookbooks. Illustrated with original works of art, each book is attentively printed and bound, keeping the content, use and reader in mind.

    Grants Pass, OR   US

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

HMH publishes acclaimed books for adults and kids in the fields of literature, science, sports, history, cooking, guides, and current affairs.

    Boston, MA   US

House of Anansi Press

House of Anansi Press is a literary publisher with a mandate to publish the highest quality Canadian poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Anansi was founded in 1967 and quickly gained attention for uncovering startling new talent. Anansi also broke ground by publishing now well-known French-Canadian authors, and continues to publish acclaimed works by new writers.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Howling Bird Press

Howling Bird Press is the literary press of Augsburg College's Low-residency Creative Writing Program. Staffed and run by students enrolled in a yearlong course, the press produces one book a year in either poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction.

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Huia Publishers

HUIA is an award-winning independent New Zealand book publisher producing wonderful and provocative books with a uniquely New Zealand or Pacific perspective. Our books are internationally sought after by those interested in Maori history and Maori people, the indigenous people of New Zealand. Our books also give an insight into the lives of Pacific Islanders living in New Zealand and the Pacific, through stories written by Pacific Island authors. Our non-fiction is of interest to academics, students, policymakers and critical thinkers while our fiction appeals to anyone interested in reading a good book. Our gift books make excellent presents for those wanting an indigenous touch.

    Thorndon, Wellington   NZ

Hyacinth Girl Press

Hyacinth Girl Press is a micro-press that publishes up to 9 poetry chapbooks each year. We specialize in handmade books of smaller press runs and have a special place in our hearts for the avant garde, the anarchist, the terrifying children you don't want to show your mother. While we are interested in poetry that deals with the otherworldly, the occult, and that time you tripped balls in the rainforest, we are not interested in being preached to. Hyacinth Girl Press seeks to bring feminism, mysticism, and scientific inquiry together with awesome poetry.

    Pittsburgh, PA   US

IAD Press

The IAD was established by the Uniting Church in 1969 and is now an independent Aboriginal community-controlled language resource centre and Registered Training Organisation (RTO) delivering nationally accredited courses to adult Aboriginal learners in Central Australia. The IAD’s publishing arm, IAD Press produces material on Central Australian Aboriginal people, languages and culture and works closely with communities to preserve Aboriginal languages, histories and stories.

    Alice Springs, NT   AU

IBEX Publishers

Since 1979 Ibex Publishers has been publishing the best of the culture of Iran in English and in Persian.

    Bethseda, MD   US

Inanna Publications

Inanna Publications and Education Inc. is one of only a very few independent feminist presses in Canada committed to publishing fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction by and about women, and complementing this with relevant non-fiction, that bring new, innovative and diverse perspectives with the potential to change and enhance women's lives everywhere. Our aim is to conserve a publishing space dedicated to feminist voices that provoke discussion, advance feminist thought, and speak to diverse lives of women. We have always been particularly interested in ensuring that the voices of disenfranchised and marginalized women are heard and we are committed to working closely with talented, emerging writers.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Influx Press

Influx Press publish stories from the margins of culture, specific geographical spaces and sites of resistance that remain under explored in mainstream literature.

    London, England   UK

Insomniac Press

Insomniac was founded in 1992, and since that time, it has evolved from a small press that publishes poetry chapbooks, to a medium-size independent press that publishes eye-catching non-fiction titles as well as the great fiction and poetry for which it has become known. Insomniac's books are sold in 40 countries around the world.

Insomniac has developed special niche areas in which it publishes unique books. For example, its black studies books, gay and lesbian books, personal finance books, celebrity writer-as-musician books (including titles by Matthew Good, Jann Arden and Terri Clark), and gay mysteries have developed devoted followings.

    London, ON   CA

Inverted A Press

Inverted-A Press is a small literary press based just outside Licking, Missouri. Searching for stories that will make the reader reexamine preconceptions, search his own conscience, and go forth enlightened, inspired and ready to do battle for whatever he believes in.

    Licking, MO   US

Invisible Publishing

Invisible Publishing is a not-for-profit publisher that produces contemporary Canadian fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry. Our titles are well-written, beautifully designed, and affordable, and even though we're small in scale, we take our work, and our mission, seriously: We believe that books are meant to be enjoyed by everyone. At Invisible, publishers and authors recognize a commitment to one another, and to the development of communities that can sustain and encourage storytellers.

    Marmora, ON   CA

Iris Publishing Group

Iris Press was founded in 1975 by Patricia Wilcox in Binghamton, New York, as a small publishing company emphasizing literary quality and innovation. An important goal of Iris was, and still is, to give talented but under appreciated writers an audience and to help them reach their potential.

    Oak Ridge, TN   US

J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing

J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing is primarily a literary publisher, with several imprints including: Scirocco Drama (theatre), The Muses' Company (poetry), Watson & Dwyer Publishing (Canadian social history), and J. Gordon Shillingford (politics, sports, biography).

    Winnipeg, MB   CA

Jacar Press

Publishing full-length collections, chapbooks, anthologies, and limited edition collectible book art. Accepts submissions through their annual contests only.

    Durham, NC   US

Jellyfish Highway Press

Jellyfish Highway is postindustrial bioluminescence, we're abyssal gigantism. We are a press for work that floats and undulates and lingers and stings, literature that shines from the deepest blue. We want full-length books of fiction (novels, collections), poetry, or nonfiction. We are particular interested in novels at the moment, but also want to see work from diverse voices in poetry and short prose.

    Atlanta, GA   US

John F. Blair, Publisher

John F. Blair publishes five to 10 new books each year. We specialize in regional nonfiction with an emphasis on history, travel, cookbooks, folklore, and biography. We publish only one or two works of fiction each year. Fiction submitted to us should have some connection to the Southeast.

    Winston-Salem, NC   US

Kallisto Gaia Press

We are a nonprofit literary organization supporting writers at all stages of their careers. Although we welcome experimental or unusual approaches to literature, our goal is to promote finely crafted work with an expressive and meaningful voice.

    Austin, TX   US

Kates Hill Press

The Kates Hill Press is an independent small press dedicated to producing short runs of fiction, social history, and poetry by west midlands writers or with a west midlands theme.

    West Midlands, England   UK

Kaya Press

Kaya Press is a group of dedicated writers, artists, readers, and lovers of books working together to publish the most challenging, thoughtful, and provocative literature being produced throughout the Asian and Pacific Island diasporas.

    Los Angeles , CA   US

Kegedonce Press

We strive to foster the creative cultural expression of Indigenous Peoples through the publication of beautifully crafted books which involve Indigenous Peoples in all levels of production and by supporting activities which promote Indigenous literary development and the development of Indigenous publishing.

    Wiarton, ON   CA

Kelsay Books

Kelsay Books publishes poetry collections through four distinct imprints: Alabaster Leaves Publishing, which releases chapbooks featuring free verse poetry spanning 30 to 45 pages; Aldrich Press, dedicated to full-length collections of free verse ranging from 46 to 120 pages; Daffydowndilly Press, which specializes in rhyming poetry for children, also in the 30 to 45 page range; and White Violet Press, which focuses on collections of formal poetry, up to 100 pages in length.

    American Fork, UT   84003

Lamar University Literary Press

Lamar Literary Press is one of the world’s smallest university presses. We operate with the latest in book production technology and distribution and publish original fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. We accept submissions each year during the months of April and November only. However, you may make general inquiries or check on the status of a submission at any time.

    Beaumont, TX   US

Lantana Publishing

We are an award-winning children's book publisher and social enterprise with a mission to publish inclusive books by authors from under-represented groups and from around the world, celebrating every kind of child and family.

    Oxford, Enland   UK

LARB Books

LARB Books is the publishing wing of the Los Angeles Review of Books, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and disseminating rigorous, incisive, and engaging writing on every aspect of literature, culture, and the arts. The addition of this publishing project extends LARB's mission of bringing the best that is thought and written to readers around the world. We publish three series: Classics, revivals of exemplary Southern California literature; Provocations, philosophical approaches to the contemporary intellectual condition; and True Stories, the first of its kind, a series of novella-length creative nonfiction. We also house two imprints, Les Figues Press and Outcaste Press.

    Los Angeles, CA   US

Leapfrog Press

Leapfrog Press was created to search out, publish, and aggressively market books that tell a strong story. Leapfrog began its life in Wellfleet, Mass., at the outer end of Cape Cod, in 1993. In 2008 we migrated to Falmouth, Mass., and in 2012 we made the move to Fredonia, N.Y., a town with a rich creative history and an equally rich present in the arts and science. Our list is eclectic and includes quality fiction, poetry, and nonfiction; books that are described by the large commercial publishers as midlist, and which we regard as the heart and soul of literature.

    Fredonia, NY   US

Les Éditions L’Interligne

Specializes in publishing the works of Franco-Ontarian authors, as well as educational materials for French schools in Ontario

    Ottawa, ON   CA

Lettered Streets Press

The Lettered Streets Press aims to publish work we love & want to see in the world. We aim to work with writers who view publishing as a community. We aim to connect with readers who are moved & upended by words. We are a collective of sorts. We publish poetry & prose & what leans toward poetry & prose. We like blurring. We like projects. We support emerging voices. We periodically have an open reading period for new submissions. We also solicit submissions from writers we admire. We especially want to hear from writers of color, LGBTQ+ writers, women, and genderqueer writers.

    Chicago, IL   US

Lintusen Press

Lintusen Press is a collaborative micropress in Salmon Arm BC, Canada. We’re taking the skills we developed over a decade of indie publishing to make opportunities for authors to publish their stories within a nurturing and collaborative community.

    Salmon Arm, BC   CA

Litmus Press

Litmus Press is a program of Ether Sea Projects, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit literature and arts organization. Dedicated to supporting innovative, cross-genre writing, the press publishes the work of translators, poets, and other writers, and organizes public events in their support.

    Brooklyn, NY   US

Little Island Press

Little Island Press is an independent publisher of fiction, poetry and essays. Founded in 2016, it publishes innovative, intellectually ambitious writing in elegant editions designed by the award-winning design studio typographic research unit.

    Stroud, England   UK

Little Red Tree Publishing

Little Red Tree Publishing was founded in 2006 by Michael Linnard and Tamara Martin and is based in New London, CT. Taking as their motto - delight, entertain and educate, - they strive to combine their love of quality books with an interest in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, music, art, design, history and photography.

    New London, CT   US

Lorimer Press

At Lorimer Press we are committed to making beautiful books that engage the reader and celebrate the writer. Our objective is to bring writers and readers together. We select a few exceptional manuscripts for publication each year and champion those books and authors through careful edit, design and production.

    Davidson, NC   US

Lost Horse Press

Established in 1998, Lost Horse Press - a nonprofit independent press - publishes poetry titles of high literary merit, and makes available other fine contemporary literature through cultural, educational and publishing programs and activities. The Lost Horse New Poets, Short Books Series, edited by Marvin Bell, is dedicated to works - often ignored by conglomerate publishers- which are so much in danger of vanishing into obscurity in what has become the age of chain stores and mass appeal food, movies, art and books.

    Sandpoint, ID   US

LSU Press

LSU Press is a nonprofit book publisher dedicated to the publication of scholarly, general interest, and regional books.

    Baton Rouge, LA   US

Madville Publishing

Madville Publishing is an independent nonprofit that publishes literary works of the highest quality that reflect the diversity of the modern English-speaking world. We seek to publish poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction by notable and emerging authors who display diversity in ethnicity, gender, age, and worldview, and whose work exhibits the full range of this diversity. Our goal is to discover and showcase works that might otherwise be overlooked, and to provide opportunities for voices that might otherwise be unheard.

    Lake Dallas, TX   US

Magabala Books

Magabala Books is an Indigenous publishing house. Publishing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers, storytellers and illustrators is our mandate. We are proud to celebrate the dynamism and diversity of First Nations' voices. Magabala publishes up to 15 new titles annually across all genres: children’s picture books, memoir, fiction (junior, YA and adult), non-fiction, graphic novels, social history and poetry

    Broome, WA   AU

Manor House Publishing

Manor House Publishing Incorporated is a small Canadian publishing company, established in 1998 and based in the Ancaster neighborhood of Hamilton Ontario. Manor house publishes biographies, fantasy, new age, politics, young adult and short fiction collections.

    Ancaster, ON   CA

Mansfield Press

Mansfield Press publishes exciting, challenging and adventurous poetry, fiction and literary non-fiction by Canadian writers at all stages of their careers.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Marick Press

Marick Press publishes 6-8 titles annually in both hardcover and paperback covering a broad spectrum of topic that range from literary non-fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, fiction and reprint of previously published titles.

    Grosse Pointe Park, MI   US

Martian Migraine Press

We are a small independent Canadian press with a focus on the weird, unusual and occasionally transgressive. Fiction that plays with boundaries before ignoring them altogether; erotica with dark humour and a taste for the outré and poetry for people from other planets. Martian Migraine books are available almost exclusively in e-reader format through the usual fine online retailers, although we sometimes make forays into producing physical books and chapbooks in limited press runs. Mostly when we're feeling nostalgic.

    Victoria, BC   CA

Mawenzi House

Formerly known as TSAR Publications, Mawenzi House is dedicated to bringing to the reading public fresh new writing from Canada and across the world that reflects the diversity of our rapidly globalizing world, particularly in Canada and the United States. Our focus is on works that can loosely be termed "multicultural" and particularly those that pertain to Asia and Africa. We publish 6-8 titles of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction (literary criticism, history) per year.

    Toronto, ON   CA

McGill-Queen's University Press

McGill-Queen's University Press is a scholarly publisher that defends, refutes, and creates fresh interpretations of the world. With over 2,500 books in print and numerous awards and bestsellers, our goal is to produce peer-reviewed, rigorously edited, beautifully produced, intelligent, interesting books. A joint venture of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, and Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, MQUP is both a specialist in the Canadian perspective and a publisher of international themes, attracting attention from the New York Times to the Globe & Mail.

    Montreal, PQ   CA

McSweeney's Publishing

McSweeney's Publishing is an American non-profit publishing house founded by Dave Eggers in 1998, headquartered in San Francisco. Initially publishing the literary journal Timothy McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, the company has moved to novels, books of poetry, and other periodicals.

    San Francisco, CA   US

Meadowbrook Press

Since 1975, Meadowbrook has grown to become one of the leading publishers of books sold nationally through bookstores and other retail outlets. Located in Minnetonka, Minnesota, Meadowbrook Press takes great pride in the ability to edit, design, and promote books so they achieve their full commercial potential. We specialize in pregnancy, childcare, children's poetry, juvenile novels, children's activities, party planning, and adult humor. We are also the number one publisher of baby name books in the country, with six baby-naming books in print and total sales of over eleven million copies.

    Minnetonka, MN   US

Melville House Publishing

Melville House is an independent publisher located in Brooklyn, New York. Melville House is well-known for its fiction, with two Nobel Prize winners on its list. The company also takes pride in its discovery of many first-time writers who have gone on to success.

    Brooklyn, NY   US

Metatron Press

METATRON PRESS (est 2014) is an award-winning boutique literary publisher that specializes in publishing contemporary books by debut authors. We focus on publishing edgy, subversive and provocative books that don’t necessarily fit into pre-existing literary canons or traditions, carving out new ones in the process. Brave and emotionally-resonant, the work we publish both challenges and informs a new direction and style of contemporary writing and publishing.

    Montreal, PQ   CA

Miami University Press

Miami University Press publishes two or three books a year: poetry, poetry in translation, novellas.

    Oxford, OH   US

Mid-List Press

Mid-List Press publishes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry books of high literary merit and fresh artistic vision by new and emerging writers and by writers ignored, marginalized, or excluded from publication by commercial publishers. Mid-List Press seeks to increase access to publication for new writers, nurture the growth of emerging writers, and increase the diversity of books, authors, and readers. Mid-List Press is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit literary organization.

    Nashville, TN   US

Milkweed Editions

An award-winning, nonprofit literary publisher of high-quality books that places an emphasis on cultural diversity, environmental stewardship, exceptionally crafted poetry, and insightful literature for adults and children in the middle grades

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Monday Creek Publishing

Welcome to Monday Creek Publishing! Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, we produce quality hardcovers, paperbacks, eBooks, and audiobooks. Visit us and peruse our books by award-winning authors.

    Buchtel, OH   US

Mosaic Press

Mosaic Press was founded as a Canadian publisher dedicated to presenting significant and excellent Canadian writing. In the 25 years we have been around, Mosaic Press has published over 500 books with some 20 original titles produced each year.

    Oakville, ON   CA

Mouthfeel Press

Mouthfeel Press (MFP) was founded in 2009, in El Paso, Texas, with the goal of publishing emerging and established poets from the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, writing in English and Spanish. MFP quickly expanded to include poets from throughout the U.S., and the borderlands became an extended metaphor for writers residing in liminal spaces. MFP has published over forty books of poetry, including chapbooks. Our authors have won the FOCO Tejas Award, the International Latino Book Award, and the Western Heritage Award.

    Huntsville, TX   US

Moving Parts Press

Moving Parts Press has published handsome and innovative artists' books, broadsides and prints under the direction of Felicia Rice since 1977. These editions of new literature, works in translation, and contemporary art explore the relationship of word and image, typography and the visual arts, the fine arts and popular culture.

    Santa Cruz, CA   US

New Directions Publishing

Fine independent publishing since 1936. New Directions now publishes about 30 books annually in hardcover and paperback.

    New York, NY   US

New Issues

New Issues Poetry & Prose was established in 1996 by poet Herbert S. Scott. New Issues publishes eight to twelve new titles each year with a focus on contemporary poetry, and literary fiction, through the AWP Award Series in the Novel. New Issues Press' offices are housed in the Ernest Wilbur Building on the Oakland Campus of Western Michigan University.

    Kalamazoo, MI   US

New Star Books

New Star Books publishes six to ten new titles per year in the areas of social issues and politics; literary prose, both fiction and non-fiction, and poetry; and culture and history of British Columbia and the West.

    Vancouver, BC   CA

New Victoria Publishers

Lesbian Feminist Publisher of quality lesbian literature. We have ebooks & paperbacks. Check out the ever popular Stoner McTavish Mysteries or our new mystery by Carlene Miller. The Kate Allen and Meg Darcy series are also popular and great reading.

    Chicago, IL   US

NeWest Press

Founded in 1977, NeWest Press is one of Canada's first independent literary publishing houses. NeWest publishes literary fiction, literary nonfiction, poetry, and drama, as well as a line of mystery novels, with a particular interest in books by Western Canadian authors. Its Nunatak imprint is the longest-running first-fiction series in Canada.

    Edmonton, AB   CA

NewSouth Books

NewSouth Books publishes quality works of non-fiction, fiction, and poetry, with a special interest in regional history, biography, autobiography, non-fiction, folklore, African American, Native American, and civil rights subjects.

    Montgomery, AL   US

Nightwood Editions

Nightwood Editions publishes and promotes the most varied and dynamic new literature in Canada. We collaborate with our authors to maintain and value the distinctive authenticity of individual works editorially, aesthetically and commercially. Nightwood Editions also strives to be an inviting, diverse and vital community of writers and readers.

    Gibsons, BC   CA

Noemi Press

Founded in 2002, Noemi Press is a 501(c)(3) literary arts organization based in Blacksburg, Virginia, dedicated to publishing and promoting the work of emerging and established authors and artists.

    Blacksburg, VA   US

North Atlantic Books

The Society for the Study of Native Arts and Sciences (DBA North Atlantic Books), an educational nonprofit based in Berkeley, California, collaborates with partners to develop cross-cultural perspectives, nurture holistic views of arts, science, humanities, and healing, and seed personal and global transformation by publishing work on the relationship of body, spirit, and nature.

    Berkeley, CA   US


Publishing the memoirs, adventures, and inspirations of Northern authors.

    Eagle River, AK   US

Not A Pipe Publishing

Not a Pipe Publishing is committed to supporting fine literature in our region, across the country, and around the world. Focusing on high quality genre fiction for young adult and adult audiences, Not a Pipe Publishing seeks to both entertain and enlighten readers by bringing diverse voices to the market, engaging in the struggle for human rights, and giving voice to deeper truths best expressed through fiction.

    Independence, OR   US

NY Literary Magazine

The NY Literary Magazine publishes the finest literary achievements in modern poetry by both emerging and internationally-recognized, award-winning poets from around the world. We are searching for outstanding talent, a beautiful play of words, emotionally stirring poems that have deep meaning and will withstand the test of time. Our poetry magazines and anthologies are available as free-to-read digital editions and in print.

    Amherst, NY   US

Nyala Publishing

Nyala Publishing has been in business for 12 years in the same location on the north side of Chicago's Wrigleyville area. We specialize in literature, learning, social analysis, self-empowerment and books about historic events -- books that help us understand the past, promote positive cultural values in the present and prepare for the future.

    Chicago, IL   US

Oceaniacom Press

Oceaniacom Pty Ltd is a global media and entertainment company headquartered in Sydney, Australia. Founded in 2021 by Guy Perrine, who had a vision to promote represented creators across the field of entertainment. Oceaniacom Pty Ltd is home to a diverse collection of film, television, and publishing divisions across screenplays, books, comics, graphic novels, children’s books, and creative services.

    Sydney, NSW   AU

Oolichan Books

Publishers of literary fiction and poetry, with the occasional diversion into travel, translation, children and autobiography.

    Fernie, BC   CA

Ooligan Press

Ooligan is a not-for-profit general trade press that publishes books honoring the cultural and natural diversity of the Pacific Northwest. Ooligan Press is a student-run teaching press affiliated with Portland State University (PSU) and its College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. Founded in 2001 by publisher and writer Dennis Stovall, Ooligan Press houses one of PSU's two master's programs in writing.

    Portland, OR   US

Opal Creek Press

At Opal Creek Press, we pride ourselves in producing the highest quality books possible. From project selection and editorial, clear through to design and printing, we take special care to deliver the very best. Our books cover a wide range of styles and interests, but all of them fulfill our promise to deliver a quality product.

    Salem, OR   US

Open Books

Open Books is a fully integrated publisher of fiction and nonfiction books. Genres include literary fiction, contemporary fiction, mystery, thriller, and other genres; topical nonfiction, memoir, politics, current events and issues.

    Denver, CO   US

Open Letter

Open Letter - the University of Rochester's nonprofit, literary translation press - is one of only a handful of publishing houses dedicated to increasing access to world literature for English readers. Publishing ten titles in translation each year and running an online literary website called Three Percent, Open Letter searches for works that are extraordinary and influential, works that we hope will become the classics of tomorrow.

    Rochester, NY   US

OR Books

OR Books is a New York-based publisher of books on politics, culture and social issues. They publish just one or two books a month, combining established authors with new discoveries.

    New York, NY   US

Orbis Tertius Press

Orbis Tertius Press is an independent Canadian publisher, founded in 2020. We are committed to publishing works that explore multiple perspectives and lie on the fringes of conventional boundaries.

    Edmonton, AB   CA

Orison Books

Orison Books is a non-profit literary press focused on the life of the spirit from a broad and inclusive range of perspectives. As a volunteer-run organization, none of our editorial staff draw a salary, which means that every penny donated goes directly toward the publication and promotion of our remarkable books.

    Asheville, NC   US

Otago University Press

New Zealand's oldest academic publisher, Otago University Press publishes a wide range of non-fiction books on New Zealand and the Pacific, giving special emphasis to history, natural history, Maori and Pacific, biography/memoir, poetry, literature and the arts.

    Dunedin,   NZ

Other Press

We publish novels, short stories, poetry, and essays from America and around the world that represent literature at its best. Our nonfiction books - should they be history, current events, popular culture or memoir -explore how psychic, cultural, historical, and literary shifts inform our vision of the world and of each other.

    New York, NY   US

Pale Horse Books

Pale Horse Books is a small, independent publishing company committed to providing well-written fiction, non-fiction, poetry and titles for younger readers.

    Williamsburg, VA   US

Palimpsest Press

Palimpsest Press publishes poetry, fiction, and select nonfiction titles that deal with poetics, the writing life, aesthetics, cultural criticism, and literary biography. We look for poetry that displays technical mastery, precise language, and an authentic voice, and fiction that is rich in imagery, well crafted, with a focus on character development. Our nonfiction titles are essays or memoirs written by poets, and books that examine Canadian poetry and the Canadian cultural landscape.

    Windsor, ON   CA

Paloma Press

Established in 2016, PALOMA PRESS is a San Francisco Bay Area-based, Filipino American women-led, independent literary press. Our mission is to publish poems and prose that have the power to inspire and reshape our creative futures.

    San Mateo, CA   US


Part of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, Pantheon publishes world-class literature. Pantheon's authors include Julia Glass, James Gleick, Ha Jin, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Alexander McCall Smith, Marjane Satrapi, Art Spiegelman, and Studs Terkel.

    New York, NY   US

Paris Press

Paris Press is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit educational organization that publishes groundbreaking yet overlooked literature by women. The Press values work in all genres that is daring in style and in its courage to speak truthfully about society, culture, history, and the human heart.

    Ashfield, MA   US

Parthian Books

Parthian Books is an independent publishing house based in Cardigan, Wales that was founded in 1993 by Lewis Davies and Gillian Griffiths. It publishes a variety of titles in fiction, poetry, non-fiction and drama, as well as art books. The company has an active role in the European literary scene and its motto is A Carnival of Voices in Independent Publishing.

    Cardigan, Wales   UK

Paul Dry Books

At Paul Dry Books, our aim is to publish lively books "to awaken, delight, and educate"—and to spark conversation. We publish fiction, both novels and short stories, and nonfiction—biography, memoirs, history, and essays, covering subjects from Homer to Chekhov, bird watching to jazz music, New York City to shogunate Japan.

    Philadelphia, PA   US

Pavement Saw Press

Pavement Saw Press has been publishing steadily since the fall of 1993. Each year since 1999, we have published at least four full length paperback poetry collections, with some printed in library edition hard covers, one chapbook and a yearly literary journal anthology. We specialize in finding authors who have been widely published in literary journals but have not published a chapbook or full length book.

    Montpelier, OH   US

Paycock Press

Paycock Press is a very small indie press interested in publishing fiction books in the 200-300pp range.

    Arlington, VA   US

Pedlar Press

Pedlar Press is an independent Canadian book publisher based in St. John's NL, specializing in contemporary works of poetry, prose and graphic novels, works that extend the tradition of literary experimentation.

    St John's, NL   CA

Pelekinesis Press

Pelekinesis is a small book publishing company focusing on the development of independent authors and artists by creatively embracing the evolving publishing paradigm and utilizing modern distribution platforms. Upcoming titles include fantasy and folk tales, contemporary fiction, humor, poetry, and an annual collection featuring highlights from MungBeing Magazine.

    Claremont, CA   US

Pemmican Publications

Pemmican Publications is a book publisher with a mandate to promote Metis authors, illustrators and stories. It is a not-for-profit company that operates as an arm's-length affiliate of the Manitoba Metis Federation. Pemmican publishes on average five to six new titles per year, with titles ranging from cultural studies and autobiographies to illustrated titles for children. In all, we have published close to 150 books.

    Winnipeg, MB   CA

Penteract Press

Penteract Press is a publisher of formal poetry. Our focus is on exploring the structural properties of poetry — in particular, the relationship between content and form. To this end, we aim to promote innovative, constrained and visual poetry and works that explore new uses of traditional verse forms. We also operate under the imprint Enneract Editions producing chapbooks of c.10-20 poems.

    , England   UK

Persea Books

Founded in 1975 by Karen Braziller and Michael Braziller, Persea Books is an independent literary publisher of fiction and nonfiction, contemporary American poetry, poetry in translation, books for young adults, literary anthologies for the classroom, and rediscovered classics.

    New York, NY   US

Peter Owen Publishers

Peter Owen is an independent British publisher founded in 1951 continuing the tradition of producing new and interesting writing. Peter Owen sadly died in May 2016, but his legacy lives on in the publishing house that carries his name and his commitment to publishing talented and exciting writers.

    London, England   UK

Pisgah Press

Pisgah Press has been an active publisher since 2011, established to publish and promote works of quality offering original ideas and insight into the human condition, the realm of knowledge, and the world around us. Authors include poet Donna Lisle Burton, memoirist Robin Russell Gaiser, philosopher Chris Highland, editor A.D. Reed, fiction-writer Sarah-Ann Smith, and mystery writer RF Wilson.

    Asheville, NC   US

Plan B Press

Plan B Press is a small independent publishing company that produces high-quality, limited-run poetry chapbooks. They have also have also created two short fiction collections and four full-length books. In 2005 Plan B Press developed "Stay At Home Press" a division specializing in art books.

    Alexandria, VA   US

Plough Publishing House

Plough Publishing House, founded in 1920, is an independent publisher dedicated to serving people who are eager to put their faith into practice. We're based in Walden, New York with branches in the United Kingdom and Australia.

    Walden, NY   US

Plumleaf Press Inc.

Plumleaf Press specializes in publishing thoughtful, beautifully designed literary books, primarily for women and children, which offer enchantment and inspiration with every page. Our titles include non-fiction, poetry, cookbooks, children's books, and classic novels in our Plumleaf Vintage series.

    Oakville, ON   CA

PM Press

We seek to create radical and stimulating fiction and nonfiction books, pamphlets, T-shirts, visual and audio materials to educate, entertain, and inspire you. We aim to distribute these through every available channel with every available technology, whether that means you are seeing anarchist classics at our bookfair stalls; reading our latest vegan cookbook at the café; downloading geeky fiction e-books; or digging new music and timely videos from our website.

    Oakland, CA   US

Polar Bear & Company

Polar Bear & Company has been publishing high-quality works of cultural significance since 1998, with over 60 titles, with worldwide distribution. We produce books that make a difference to our cultural heritage, creative economy and democracy. We strive to enhance the quality of life through literature and art. We hope to give well-intentioned, creative people avenues for their words, wisdom, wit and other talents so they can reach individuals to create stronger communities.

    Solon, Maine   US

Porcupine's Quill

The Porcupine's Quill is an artisanal publisher that values the art and craft of the book, both in content and in form. Our mandate is to preserve the culture of the printed word by using our expertise in the art of 20th-century offset printing technology to create quality books that look and feel like 19th-century letterpress products. We also specialize in Canadian art and design, book history, memoirs and selectively acquired collections of poetry and fiction from edgy new authors as well as pillars of the canon.

    Erin, ON   CA

Porkbelly Press

Porkbelly Press is an independent chapbook press based in Cincinnati, Ohio (where pigs fly). We print in limited & open editions and handbind everything we make. We consider works ranging from literary to genre work, with a preference for speculative fiction and fabulism. Fairy tales make our little gold hearts go pitty-pat. Hey, our logo is a flying pig!

    Cincinnati, OH   US

Pottersfield Press

An Atlantic Canadian publisher, publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, Mi'kmaq and African Nova Scotian books.

    Lawrencetown, NS   CA

Presa Press

Presa Press is a small independent publisher specializing in poetry books and chapbooks.

    Rockford, MI   US

Press 53

Press 53 is a publisher of quality poetry and short fiction collections, founded in October 2005 and located in Winston-Salem, NC.

    Winston-Salem, NC   US

Princeton University Press

The Princeton University Press is an independent publisher with close connections to Princeton University. Its mission is to disseminate scholarship within academia and society at large.

    Princeton, NJ   US

Pronghorn Press

Books in a wide variety of genres in traditional and digital formats as well as downloadable unabridged audio books

    Greybull, WY   US

Propertius Press

We are a small, not-for-profit indie publisher of provocative, engaging literature, non-fiction, and verse for the discerning reader of any age or interest. Actively seeking to promote under-heard voices of minority ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

    Lynchburg, VA   US

Punch Drunk Press

Punch Drunk Press' mission is to provide a platform for established and upcoming writers, poets and artists to help them to share their passion with the world around them, whether that be a local in-person community or a global online community.

    Denver, CO   US

Quill & Crow Publishing House

Quill & Crow Publishing House is a quaint and curious press dedicated to promoting the integrity of independent literature. Specializing in Gothic fiction, literary horror, poetry, and dark fantasy/historical fiction titles.

    Brecksville, OH   US

Rabbittown Press

We are a boutique publisher and book making studio using letterpress technologies in the twenty-first century.

    Fredericton, NB   CA

Radial Books

Radial Books is an independent publisher specializing in contemporary poetry and fiction, as well as forms that defy easy categorization. We lean toward interlinked themes and characters across works and toward narrative poetry and lyrical fiction. However, we are not bound by these preferences.

    Seattle, WA   US

Radiant Press

Radiant Press is an indie press with big ideas. We are committed to publishing exceptional books by emerging and established authors, regionally and nationally. Our press publishes and promotes only Canadian authors and artists. Our books include poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction, as well as those that defy genre.

    Regina, SK   CA

Ragged Sky Press

Ragged Sky is a small, highly selective cooperative press. Ragged Sky Press has historically focused on mature voices, overlooked poets, and women's perspectives.

    Princeton, NJ   US

Red Deer Press

Red Deer Press publishes upscale children's picture books, including illustrated children's Aboriginal titles, contemporary juvenile and young-adult fiction, adult fiction and non-fiction. We produce creative and contemporary books by enlisting a balance of established and emerging authors and illustrators guided by a production team of expert editors, designers and production personnel. We enlist publishing talent from across Canada, publish to the national and international markets, and continually strive to creatively promote and market our books.

    Markham, ON   CA

Red Hen Press

Red Hen Press is an independent, non-profit press that publishes about twenty books of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry every year. We're looking for novels, memoir, creative nonfiction, hybrid works, and story, essay, and poetry collections of exceptional literary merit that demonstrate a high level of mastery.

    Pasadena, CA   US

Red Mountain Press

Red Mountain Press publishes poetry and poets’ memoirs and literary fiction. Our books represent the point of view of the author and are beautiful objects of lasting value. The authors retain full rights to their work. We use the best papers and printers, with manufacturing processes that are low impact and resource conserving.

    Seattle, WA   US

Riverfeet Press

Riverfeet Press is a publishing house that focuses on bringing the work of independent authors to print. We publish books for the outdoors, literary fiction, poetry, and children's books. Currently accepting query letters through our webpage.

    Livingston, MT   US

Ronsdale Press

Publishes literary Canadian fiction, poetry, autobiography, local history, and children's literature.

    Vancouver, BC   CA

Rose Alley Press

Rose Alley Press was founded by David D. Horowitz in November 1995. It was named for the London street where, on December 18th, 1679, poet and playwright John Dryden was brutally beaten by three thugs. Evidence suggests that an aristocrat who mistakenly attributed a satire's authorship to Dryden hired the assailants. Undaunted, Dryden continued writing, even more boldly than before the assault. Inspired by such perseverance, David established Rose Alley Press, which publishes rhymed and metered poetry, cultural commentary, and an annually updated booklet about writing and publication.

    Seattle, WA   US

Rose Garden Press

Small, independent publisher of handmade poetry chapbooks, featuring work by blossoming and rooted voices. The press publishes between three and five chapbooks per year. They accept submissions of all forms of poetry as well as a limited range of other artistic work.

    Mount Brydges,, ON   CA

Rymour Books

Rymour Books is a small but fast growing publisher of, primarily, titles of Scottish interest. Our books have received excellent reviews, been nominated for awards, and in the short time since Rymour’s formation we have established a growing reputation, attracting grants from, for example, The Doric Board, and working in partnership with the Scottish Poetry Library, The Royal Scottish Geographical Society and others. Rymour Books are committed to supporting new writers and first-time authors and, in this category, we have published works by Spike Munro, Kirsti Wishart and Calum Smith which have been enthusiastically received.

    Perth, Scotland   UK

Sakura Publishing

Sakura Publishing is a small, indie press that loves authors who possess passion and a drive to see their manuscripts become published works of art. We publish everything, from fiction to nonfiction, poetry, and books for children. However, we prefer great horror books and anything Asian-themed, especially if it's Japanese inspired. We are open to submissions by authors all year round.

    Hermitage, PA   US

Salmon Poetry

One of Ireland's premier literary publishers, Salmon Poetry was established in 1981 as an alternative voice in Irish literature.

    Cliffs of Moher, County Clare   IE


Salt is one of Britain’s great independent publishing houses, committed to the discovery and publication of contemporary British literature. We are advocates for writers at all stages of their careers and ensure that diverse voices can be heard in an abundant, global marketplace.

    Cromer, Norfolk, England   CA

Saqi Books

Saqi Books is an independent publishing house with an inspiration to release quality general interest and academic books on North Africa and the Middle East. Founded in 1983 in London, Saqi's links with cutting edge and authoritative voices have led to a rigorous reassessment of Arab cultural heritage. We publish a wide range of fields, including history, politics, art, architecture, gender studies and cookery, and release the best in new and classic Arabic literature, including works by Mahmoud Darwish, Adonis, Nawal El Saadawi, Samih al-Qasim, Mohamed Choukri and Algosaibi.

    London, England   UK

Sarabande Books

Sarabande Books is a nonprofit literary press founded in March 1994, in Louisville, Kentucky. Our focus is on poetry and short fiction, genres that in the recent past have received less than generous attention from the mainstream publishing industry.

    Louisville, KY   US

Savant Books And Publications

Savant Books and Publications publishes unpublished, post-modern works of enduring value for English readers throughout the world.

    Honolulu, HI   US

Sea Crow Press

Sea Crow Press is committed to amplifying voices that might otherwise go unheard. In a rapidly changing world, we believe the small press plays an essential part in contemporary arts as a community forum, a cultural reservoir, and an agent of change. We are international with a focus on our New England roots. We publish creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. Our books celebrate our connection to each other and to the natural world with a focus on positive change and great storytelling. We follow a traditional publishing model to create carefully selected and edited books. In turbulent times, we focus on sharing works of beauty that chart a positive course for the future. We welcome emerging writers, experienced authors, and all readers.

    Barnstable, MA   US

Seraphim Books

Seraphim Editions is a Canadian independent book publisher that features Canadian authors and artists. We publish books ranging from fiction, non-fiction and poetry.

    Niagara Falls, ON   CA


Seren is an independent literary publisher, specialising in English-language literary fiction and poetry from Wales. Our prize-winning list has something to offer anyone with an interest in excellent writing. Our aim is not simply to reflect what is going on in the culture in which we publish, but to drive that culture forward, to engage with the world, and to bring Welsh literature, art and politics before a wider audience.

    Brigend, Wales   UK

Seven Stories Press

Founded in 1995 in New York City and named for the seven authors who committed to a home with a fiercely independent spirit, Seven Stories Press publishes works of the imagination and political titles by voices of conscience. While most widely known for its books on politics, human rights, and social and economic justice, Seven Stories continues to champion literature, with a list encompassing both innovative debut novels and National Book Award-winning poetry collections, as well as prose and poetry translations from the French, Spanish, German, Swedish, Italian, Greek, Polish, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, and Arabic.

    New York, NY   US

Shearsman Books

Shearsman Books Ltd is a specialist publisher of poetry, based in Bristol, England. We concentrate mainly on contemporary writing from Britain & Ireland, and the U.S.A. We also have a large, and growing translation list, with an emphasis on Hispanic and Latin American writing, and we have lists devoted to Classics and to Literary Criticism, the latter devoted to poetry. We tend to be interested in more experimental, radical forms of writing, but do not exclude the more traditional if we think it works.

    Bristol, England   US

Sherman Asher Publishing

Publishers of memoir, fiction, humor and poetry. Purchased by Western Edge Press in 2002, Sherman Asher has remained as an imprint with its own editor.

    Santa Fe, NM   US

Shipwreckt Books

Shipwreckt Books is a small independent publisher of high quality fiction, poetry, memoirs, essays, and the ecclectic small magazine Lost Lake Folk Opera.

    Rushford, MN   US

Signature Editions

Signature Editions is a literary press with an eclectic list of quality fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama. Originally named Nuage Editions, the press was formed in Montreal in 1986 as a 16-person publishing collective. The first desktop publisher in Quebec, we put out two to four books a year for the next five years. For the past sixteen years, the press has operated as a sole proprietorship run by Karen Haughian and has published six to nine titles a year. In 1997, after eleven years of operation in Montreal, the press moved to Winnipeg and in the year 2000 was renamed Signature Editions.

    Winnipeg, MB   CA

Skein Press

Skein Press is a writer-centred publishing house. We support writers traditionally underrepresented in Irish literature by publishing beautiful, thought-provoking books. We also offer development opportunities designed to create a more inclusive literary landscape.

    Dublin,   IE

Slope Editions

Slope Editions presents readers with an eclectic array of poetry and near-poetry being written in English today. Each year, we aim to release several well-chosen and stylistically diverse books that defy convention and categorization. Slope Editions is part of Slope Publishing Inc., a registered non-profit literary and educational organization with 501(c)(3) status.

    Greenfield, MA   US

Slough Press

Founded by Dr. Chuck Taylor, Slough Press has been publishing fiction, poetry, and essays for almost fifty years. The focus of the press is on contemporary literary authors who experiment with form, communicate to a wide audience, and hope to have a positive influence on the culture.

    College Station, TX   US

Small Beer Press

Based in North America, Small Beer Press was started by Gavin J. Grant and Kelly Link and is now run by a small (note the repeating verbiage) coterie of readers who love to put good books in other readers' hands. We publish 6-10 books a year, maybe, and twice a year put out our tiny lit zine, LCRW (aka Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet).

    Easthampton, MA   US

Soft Skull

Soft Skull Press is an imprint of Counterpoint Press, a company that was created in 2007 through the acquisition of three notable independent presses: Counterpoint, Shoemaker & Hoard, and Soft Skull Press. Soft Skull titles are a mix of fresh, cutting-edge, and literary voices. The genres we cover are vast—fiction and nonfiction, poetry, graphic novels, and anthologies, all of which collectively focus on current affairs and politics, counterculture, music, history, memoir, biography, religion, and philosophy.

    Berkeley, CA   US

Solomon & George Publishers

As a non-profit press, Solomon & George Publishers (S&G) has a mission of publishing work by new and established writers speaking to - and preserving - the life and culture of the South, and reviving out-of-print work important to Southern history.

    Auburn, AL   US

Southern Illinois University Press

The mission of Southern Illinois University Press is to disseminate knowledge by a diverse authorship for a global readership, to expand the University's presence in ongoing scholarly dialogue, and to promote understanding of the region's history and culture. In recent years, Southern Illinois University Press has focused its list on a smaller number of areas of publication: American history (Civil War and Lincoln), aviation, botany, film studies, legal history, poetry, regional studies, rhetoric and composition, and theatre.

    Carbondale, IL   US

SPCK Publishing

SPCK Publishing is the biggest independent Christian publisher in the UK, with big names such as Tom Wright, Alister McGrath and John Polkinghorne.

    London, England   UK

Speaking Volumes

Speaking Volumes is a traditional publishing house that represents many New York Times, USA Today, National Best-Selling and Award-Winning Authors. We publish a wide spectrum of genres which include Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action Adventure, Horror, Mystery, Suspense, Thrillers, Westerns, Poetry, and more. Speaking Volumes publications are available as eBooks, Print Paperbacks, and on Audio.

    Santa Fe, NM   US

Spinner Publications

Spinner Publications is an independent, nonprofit cultural organization whose purpose is to preserve and promote the history and culture of southeastern New England. We do this primarily through the publication of books. Our aim is to show how people's lives have impacted communities in the region, and to portray the culture as it realized by members of the communities. We are interested in historical narratives, memoirs, photography, art, oral history, biography, poetry, fiction, children's books, cookbooks, and documents that tell stories of the people and culture of southeastern New England.

    New Bedford, MA   US

Split Lip Press

Split Lip Press is an independent publisher of chapbooks, fiction & poetry collections and novellas. We are punk rock publishing with an attitude.

    Wyncote, PA   US

Spotted Cow Press

Spotted Cow Press publishes fiction, poetry, history and photography about the people and landscapes of the Great Plains of North America.

    Edmonton, AB   CA

Spout Press

Spout Press is small, all-volunteer, non-profit literary publisher that publishes and promotes the finest in contemporary experimental writing — mentoring young writers and bringing new and/or under-appreciated voices to the attention of a larger audience.

    Minneapolis, MN   US

Squill Publishing

Alternative publisher of edgy literary fiction, poetry, and art. LGBTQI & Neurodivergent owned. We’re allies to the mental health, LGBTQ+, and disabled community.

    Junction City, OR   US

Steel Toe Books

Founded in 2003, Steel Toe Books publishes one to three single-author poetry collections per year. Steel Toe Books is affiliated with Western Kentucky University.

    Bowling Green, KY   US

Stillhouse Press

Stillhouse Press is an independent, not-for-profit craft book publisher based in Fairfax, Virginia and developed in coordination with George Mason University's Creative Writing Programs.

    Fairfax, VA   US

Stone Bridge Press

Stone Bridge Press was established in Berkeley, California, in 1989 and has about 150 titles in print, covering such Japan-related areas as language, business, literature, manga, design, and culture.

    Albany, CA   US

Stone Corps Press

Stone Corpse Press publishes poetry & small fictions. We like experimental, visual, concrete and asemic poetry & surreal small fictions. We like anything that pushes boundaries and is explorative in nature.

    Rock Island, IL   US

Strong Nations Publishing

Strong Nations is an online retailer and a publishing house located in Nanaimo, BC, specializing in Indigenous literature and art. As a publisher, we are proud to say that ALL our resources that Strong Nations creates are Made in Canada.

    Nanaimo, BC   CA

Subito Press

Subito Press is a non-profit publisher of literary works based out of the Creative Writing Department at the University of Colorado at Boulder

    Boulder, CO   US

Summerset Press

Summerset Press is a small, specialized publishing house that was founded in 1994 in Northampton, Massachusetts, by writers Jim Kaplan and Brooks Robards. It has published books in three categories: travel, sports and poetry. Unlike many larger, commercial publishing houses, Summerset Press is committed to publication of high-quality writing, as well as to keeping its backlist in print.

    Northampton, MA   US

Swan Isle Press

Swan Isle Press is an independent, not-for-profit, literary publisher dedicated to publishing works of poetry, fiction and nonfiction that inspire and educate while advancing the knowledge and appreciation of literature, art, and culture.

    Chicago, IL   US


SynergEbooks was founded in March of the year 1999 in North Carolina by Debra Staples and has since moved its base of operations to central Tennessee. During the last few years, SynergEbooks has established itself as a company with a firm foothold in electronic publishing, and has already expanded to include CD-ROMs, audio books and trade paperbacks, carrying more than 350 digital titles, more than 125 of which are available in print.

    Columbia, TN   US

Synergetic Press

Synergetic Press is a fiercely independent publisher with offices in Santa Fe, New Mexico and London, England. We've published paradigm-shifting texts for over thirty years. The founders and staff of Synergetic Press are pioneers in the field of biospheric and environmental sciences, and our enterprise is steeped in a rich tradition of experimental collaboration in the arts and sciences that spans nearly four decades.

    Santa Fe, NM   US

Synergistic Press

Synergistic Press was founded in 1968, publishing an eclectic list of titles appealing to a wide range of reader interests.

    San Francisco, CA   US

Talon Books

Canadian publisher of poetry, fiction and drama, as well as non-fiction books in the fields of ethnography and environmental and social issues.

    Vancouver, BC   CA

Tarpaulin Sky Press

Tarpaulin Sky Press was founded in 2006 with the intent of bringing out new books by contributors to Tarpaulin Sky Literary Journal. Now, via open reading periods, we are also publishing books by writers who are new to us.

    Grafton, VT   US

Texas Review Press

Texas Review Press publishes poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and scholarly works. Topics we are interested in include 20th/21st Century American Poetry, Environmental Writing, Ecopoetics, Contemporary Poetics, Creative Writing Pedagogy, Southern Literature, Southern Issues, Gulf of Mexico Studies, Texas/Louisiana Literature, Texas/Louisiana History, Folklore, Cajun-Creole Studies, African-American Literature, African-American Studies, Latinx Literature, Latinx Studies, & Texas/Mexico History. Texas Review Press is a part of Sam Houston State University, a member of the Texas State University System.

    Huntsville, TX   US

The Emma Press

The Emma Press is an independent publishing house specialising in poetry, short fiction, essays and children’s books. Emma Press books have won the Poetry Book Society Pamphlet Choice Award, the Saboteur Award for Best Collaborative Work, and the CLiPPA (the Centre for Literacy in Primary Poetry Award), and the Michael Marks Awards.

    Birmingham, England   UK

The Feminist Press

The Feminist Press publishes books that ignite movements and social transformation. Celebrating our legacy, we lift up insurgent and marginalized voices from around the world to build a more just future.

    New York, NY   US

The Stygian Society

The Stygian Society is a Montréal publisher celebrating timeless literature, dark fiction, philosophy, and human creativity free from AI.

    Montreal, PQ   CA

Theytus Books

As the oldest Indigenous publishing house in Canada, Theytus Books is recognized and respected internationally for its contributions to Aboriginal literature. Since its inception in 1980, Theytus Books has been a leading proponent for Indigenous authors, illustrators and artists. It ensures that their voice and vision are expressed with the highest level of cultural authenticity and integrity.

    Penticton, BC   CA

Thistledown Press

A literary publisher specializing in fiction and poetry for both adults and young adults, with a focus on Saskatchewan writing.

    Sasktatoon, SK   CA

Thoughtcrime Press

Thoughtcrime Press gathers the most important voices in writing and sculpts exceptional books around them. We are artists and craftspeople who believe in paying our authors first and more while offering our readers affordable, beautiful literary art objects.

    Portland, OR   US

Tightrope Books

Tightrope Books was established in 2005 to bring a fresh take on Canadian literature by juxtaposing new and established writers, genres, and cultures to build an inclusive list that represents the vitality of current Canadian literature. We are dedicated to publishing cultural creators who walk the fine balance between innovation and accessibility.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Tin House Books

Tin House Books publishes fiction, non-fiction, story collections, and everything in between by both first-time and established authors. We are proud of all the exciting work we have published and are looking forward to the many new voices to come.

    Portland, OR   US

Tiwaz Press

Tiwaz Press is a rip-roaring and radical - albeit small - publisher of both fiction and non-fiction. We have an innovative marketing policy that's targeted toward readers who prefer themes of resistance, gay love, and pagan pride. We thoroughly relish being a book publishing house, and we think that, hands down, we're set to win the "Publishers Most Likely to Have Fun at Work" award.

    Vinemont, AL   US

Topside Press

Publishers of books: fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Transgender + queer + feminist.

    New York, NY   US

Touchwood Editions

TouchWood Editions has been publishing books of literary merit about Canada's West for twenty years.

    Victoria, BC   CA

Trace Press

t r a c e publishes books that illuminate, in complex, beautiful, and thought-provoking ways, contemporary and historical experiences of conflict, displacement, migration, life, labour, love, and resistance.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Tradewind Books

Tradewind Books has been publishing prize-winning picture books, novels and poetry for children of all ages for over 15 years.

    Vancouver, BC   CA

Tsar Publications

In 2015, TSAR Publications changed its name to Mawenzi House. Publishes new Canadian and American literature, especially works by black, Asian and feminist writers and books from abroad.

    Toronto, ON   CA

Tupelo Press

Tupelo Press, Inc., which released its first five books in fall 2001, is an independent, literary press devoted to discovering and publishing works of poetry, literary fiction, and creative nonfiction by emerging and established writers. Tupelo Press is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit company. What we look for is a blend of urgency of language, imagination, distinctiveness, and craft. What we produce and how we produce it -- from design to printing to paper quality --honors the writing in books which boast the uniquely sensual look and feel of a Tupelo Press book.

    North Adams, MA   US

Turnstone Press

Manitoba's oldest literary house, Turnstone Press produces fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction and has launched the careers of award-winning poets. Its Ravenstone imprint publishes speculative, horror and mystery fiction

    Winnipeg, MB   CA

Tuxtails Publishing

Tuxtails Publishing, LLC offers the support of a traditional publishing house with the decision-making power of self-publishing. We work with authors to create well-polished books for readers without taking away the author's voice. We publish fiction and non-fiction in a wide variety of genres.

    Louisville, KY   US

Two Lines Press

Two Lines Press also publishes book-length single author works of contemporary literary fiction and creative non-fiction in translation. Manuscripts are accepted year-round and will receive a response within six months of submission.

    San Francisco, CA   US

Two Sylvias Press

Two Sylvias Press is an independent press located in the Seattle area. We publish poetry, memoir, essays, books on the craft of writing, and creativity tools.

    Kingston, WA   US

Ugly Duckling Presse

Ugly Duckling Presse is a nonprofit publisher for poetry, translation, experimental nonfiction, performance texts, and books by artists. UDP was transformed from a 1990s zine into a Brooklyn-based small press by a volunteer editorial collective that has published more than 200 titles to date. UDP favors emerging, international, and "forgotten" writers, and its books, chapbooks, artist's books, broadsides, and periodicals often contain handmade elements, calling attention to the labor and history of bookmaking.

    Brooklyn, NY   US

University of Arizona Press

Founded in 1959, the Press is a nonprofit publisher of scholarly and regional books. We publish about 55 books annually and have more than 1,600 books in print. These include scholarly titles in anthropology, archaeology, environmental science, history, Indigenous studies, Latinx studies, Latin American studies, and the space sciences; as well as award-winning fiction and poetry series Sun Tracks and Camino del Sol.

    Tucson, AZ   US

University of Arkansas Press

The University of Arkansas Press was founded in 1980 as the book publishing division of the University of Arkansas. A member of the Association of American University Presses, it publishes approximately twenty titles a year, about a third of which fall under the general heading of Arkansas and Regional Studies.

    Fayetteville, AR   US

University of California Press

University of California Press, one of the most distinguished university presses in the United States, enriches lives around the world by advancing scholarship in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Its activities are supported by the UC Press Foundation and by philanthropic contributions from individuals and institutions.

    Berkeley, CA   US

University of Hell Press

University of Hell Press promotes artists who are creating irreverent and thought-provoking works in quiet corners of their worlds. Specializing in intimate literary arts that communicate the human experience with raw views into the everyday condition, University of Hell Press aligns with like-minded individuals who are making their mark through unique vision and simple, yet heightened, language.

    Portland, OR   US

University of Iowa Press

The University of Iowa Press is a well-regarded academic publisher serving scholars, students, and readers throughout the world with works of poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction. As the only university press in the state, Iowa is also dedicated to preserving the literature, history, culture, wildlife, and natural areas of the Midwest. For scholars and students, we publish reference and course books in the areas of archaeology, American studies, American history, literary studies, theatre studies, and the craft of writing. For general readers, we publish the winners of the Iowa Short Fiction Award and the Iowa Poetry Prize, poetry anthologies, books on the archaeology and natural history of the Midwest, cookbooks, letters and diaries, biographies, memoirs, regional history, and collections of historic and contemporary photographs.

    Iowa City, IA   US

University of North Texas Press

The University of North Texas Press was founded in 1987 and published its first book in 1989. Though we are the newest university press in North Texas (following SMU Press and TCU Press), we have quickly become a leading press with the most titles in print (more than 300) and published (15 to 16 each year). We are fully accredited members of the Association of American University Presses. Our books are distributed and marketed nationally and internationally through the Texas A&M University Press Consortium.

    Denton, TX   US

University of Pittsburgh Press

The University of Pittsburgh Press is a scholarly publisher with distinguished books in several academic areas and in poetry and short fiction, as well as books about Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania for general readers, scholars, and students.

    Pittsburgh, PA   US

University of Queensland Press

For more than 60 years, the University of Queensland Press has been at the forefront of innovative Australian publishing. It has launched the careers of many great Australian novelists, published contemporary Australian poets, been a pioneering force in children's and young adult publishing and has set the benchmark for award-winning scholarly and Black Australian writing.

    St Lucia, QLD   AU

University of Regina Press

University of Regina Press publishes scholarly and trade books in the humanities, social sciences and literary arts on a wide range of subjects covering Indigenous themes, Canadian history, political topics, environmental topics, social justice, and gender and sexuality.

    Regina, SK   CA

University of Tampa Press

The University of Tampa Press extends the educational mission of the University through the publication of works of scholarship, creativity and regional interest. Its publications disseminate the fruits of learning to a wide audience of serious readers both within and beyond the academic institution. They only consider book-length poetry submitted through the annual Tampa Review Prize for Poetry, and rarely publish excerpts.

    Tampa, FL   US

University of Western Australia Publishing

Producers of beautiful books that bristle and shimmer with life - books with big stories, big ideas and a strong sense of place, UWA Publishing fosters local writing that explores Western Australian and Australian identity, and seeks fresh voices of international origin. We harbour a worldly outlook attuned to dynamic social engagement; our books are intended as discussion pieces, designed to inform, challenge and enliven our readers.

    Perth, WA   AU

University of Wisconsin Press

Since its first book appeared in 1937, the Press has published and distributed more than 3000 titles. We have more than 1400 titles currently in print, including books of general interest (biography, fiction, natural history, poetry, photography, fishing, food, travel, etc.), scholarly books (American studies, anthropology, art, classics, environmental studies, ethnic studies, film, gay & lesbian studies, history, Jewish studies, literary criticism, Slavic studies, etc.), and regional books about Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest.

    Madison, WI   US

Unsolicited Press

Unsolicited Press is based out of Portland, Oregon and focuses on the works of the unsung and underrepresented. As a womxn-owned, all-volunteer small publisher that doesn’t worry about profits as much as championing exceptional literature, we have the privilege of partnering with authors skirting the fringes of the lit world. We’ve worked with emerging and award-winning authors such as Shann Ray, Amy Shimshon-Santo, Brook Bhagat, Kris Amos, and John W. Bateman.

    Portland, OR   US

Vehicule Press

Vehicule Press has publised the best of Canadian and Quebec literature - fiction, poetry, essays, translations and social history.

    Montreal, PQ   CA

Veliz Books

Veliz Books is an independent literary press dedicated to discovering, publishing, and promoting work from emerging and established authors. We seek quality and original literature written in English or Spanish. Veliz Books is also committed to publishing translations into English from Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, or Portuñol.

    El Paso, TX   US

Vintage Entity Press

We specialize in works of all genres by or about queer writers of color who are concerned about social, spiritual, sexual, racial and political issues.

    New York, NY   US

Vivisphere Publishing

Vivisphere Publishing consists of several imprints devoted to areas such as bridge, non-fiction, history, nature, poetry and a number of other subjects. We also bring a special focus on new and deserving novelists whose works reflect life today; along with novelists from years ago whose works have retained their appeal for today's audiences.

    Poughkeepsie, NY   US

W. W. Norton & Company

W. W. Norton & Company is an American publishing company based in New York City. It has been owned wholly by its employees since the early 1960s. Now, in its 90th year and with an annual list of 400 titles, W. W. Norton is a global company, its familiar seagull logo appearing on books in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and Latin America.

    New York, NY   US

Wakefield Press

We publish around 40 titles each year on a diverse range of topics, including literary and popular fiction, young adult fiction, history, biography, art, poetry, food, wine, the environment, education and true life (ordinary people in extraordinary situations).

    Mile End, SA   AU

Washington Writers' Publishing House

Washington Writers' Publishing House is a non-profit organization that has published over 50 volumes of poetry since 1973 and so far nearly a dozen volumes of fiction. Manuscripts are chosen from those submitted to annual competitions. Writers must live within a 75 mile radius of the U.S. Capitol in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.

    Washington, DC   US

Wave Books

Wave Books is an independent poetry press based in Seattle, Washington, dedicated to publishing exceptional contemporary poetry, poetry in translation, and writing by poets. The press was founded in 2005, merging with established publisher Verse Press. By publishing strong, innovative work in finely crafted trade editions and hand-made ephemera, we hope to continue to challenge the values and practices of readers and add to the collective sense of what's possible in contemporary poetry.

    Seattle, WA   US

Wayne State University Press

Wayne State University Press is a leading publisher of Great Lakes books, Judaica, African American studies, film and media, and fairy-tale studies, as well as a range of other scholarly and general interest titles, including Michigan short fiction and poetry. The Press disseminates research, advances education, and serves the local community while expanding the international reputation of the Press and the University.

    Detroit, MI   US

Weird House Press

Specializing in publishing fine horror, dark fantasy, and poetry collections. Our emphasis will be upon beautiful hardcover editions, signed, and signed and numbered editions, trade paperback editions, and e-book editions.

    Central Point, OR   US

West Vine Press

An Indie Publisher from Michigan that moves stuff around. We do our best to make physical books written by Future Dead Writers.

    North Muskegon, MI   US

West Virginia University Press

West Virginia University Press is the leading publisher of the Mountain State, producing a diverse selection of books, journals, and CDs which appeal to fans of Appalachian writing and music, regional studies, art, nature, and medieval studies.

    Morgantown, WV   US

White Bird Publications

White Bird Publications, LLC., is an independent publisher based in Texas. White bird publishes children's books, young adult title, and genre fiction.

    Austin, TX   US

White Stag Publishing

Founded in 2013 & based in Phoenix, Arizona, White Stag Publishing creates books focused on alchemy & the occult with intersections of science & magick, activism & witchcraft, mysticism & spirituality, speculative & the supra natural for illuminating the mind & inspiring the imagination of others to flourish.

    Phoenix, AZ   US

Wild Leaf Press

Wild Leaf Press aims to bring hardworking but largely unpublished writers into the marketplace. We are planning a move to web-based publication with a new emphasis on contest-based entries.

    Bethany, CT   US

Wildling Press

Wildling Press is committed to uplifting marginalized voices by offering traditional publishing contracts to authors whose books will make the world a better place. We encourage writers of all kinds to submit their manuscripts, but we specifically aim to use our platform to amplify the voices of writers of color, women's stories, LGBTQ+ writers, and writers of different physical and mental abilities.​

    Richmond, VA   US

Wolsak and Wynn

Wolsak and Wynn is a quirky literary press based in the heart of Hamilton. With steel mills on one side of us, the Niagara escarpment on the other and Toronto somewhere off in the distance we spend our time producing brilliant, highly individual and sometimes provocative books.

    Hamilton, ON   CA


WordFarm publishes collections of poetry, short fiction, essays, and single works of fiction or literary nonfiction.

    Seattle, WA   US

Wrecking Ball Press

Indie publishing house, est. 1997 in Hull. Wrecking Ball Press is always looking for new talent and will happily receive anything from a single poem to a novel.

    Hull,   UK

Write Bloody Publishing

We publish and promote great books of fiction, poetry and art every year. We are a small press with a snappy look dedicated to quality literature.

    Los Angeles, CA   US

WTAW Press

WTAW Press is an extension of the SF Bay Area award-winning reading series Why There Are Words. Peg Alford Pursell is the founder and editor-in-chief. WTAW Press publishes award-winning, full-length books of prose (novels, memoirs, creative nonfiction, collections of stories and essays, etc.). We welcome submissions from writers unpublished, extensively published, and in between. We don't privilege one aesthetic over another: we want to publish books that show us more things on heaven and earth than we have dreamt of.

    Santa Rosa, CA   US

Yellow Arrow Publishing

Yellow Arrow Publishing is a Baltimore-based nonprofit that seeks to provide writers that identify as women with a safe place to share their work, opportunities for publication, and ways to network with other writers and improve their craft.

Unsolicited submissions of full-length manuscripts or chapbooks are open throughout the year. Yellow Arrow Journal submissions of creative nonfiction, poetry, book reviews, and cover art open twice a year. More information can be found at https://www.yellowarrowpublishing.com/submissions.

We receive submissions worldwide and welcome women's voices all over the world! Every writer has a story to tell and every story is worth telling.

    Baltimore, MD   US

YesYes Books

YesYes Books is a dynamic independent press that publishes poetry and prose collections from bold fresh voices. Our titles have won the American Book Award, the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, the Devil's Kitchen Reading Award, the John C. Zacharis First Book Award, and the Eric Hoffer Chapbook Award, and have been finalists for the Norma Farber First Book Award, and Debultizer, among others.

    Portland, OR   US

Yoknapatawpha Press

Founded in 1975, Yoknapatawpha Press is a southern regional small press which publishes works by southern writers. It is owned and operated by co-publishers and editors, Dean Faulkner Wells and Lawrence Wells.

    Oxford, MS   US